27. Cat's Eye

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Cairngorm chuckled lightly as she sees the green figure sit on the cloudy throne below her and Aechmea.

"They will never see this coming. Such a poor soul, though."

"Do you want revenge?" She tauntingly asked as the green figure's eyes narrowed into slits.

"Of course."

"Then forward Cat's Eye."

The ground patrol alerted the tower for another attack. It was a week later after the large scale attack, which was shocking since it was so calm since then. And it was only one ship.

"Just a small cruiser, probably another deliverance." Bakugou smirked as Kirishima smiled.

"We can take it down, no problem." His red-head friend said as Obsidian handed over the new swords of the week. Neptunite directed, it was behind the school like routine, this was no problem.

The shadow of the ship appeared. Yes, it was fairly small.

"This will be easy." Bakugou said as he unsheathed his sword. Kirishima looked into the distance to see Cairngorm.

"Uhhh....I see Cairngorm, Aechmea and some, random figure."

"Whatever Kiri, let's get this over with." Bakugou charged over towards the ship as Zircon and Yellow Diamond was under the ship. 

As they jumped off Yellow and Zircon's hands they pulled their swords to slice the ship in half until a strong gust of wind slammed them down on the ground.

"What the hell?!" Bakugou exclaimed as the figure rose from it's seat and landed on the ground, in between Zircon and Yellow Diamond.

"You know what to do Cat's Eye."

The figure's very force of unsheathing it's sword broke Zircon into bits as Yellow made a run for it to call in for reinforcements.

The figure's face was covered in two layers of translucent cloth and the design of its clothing was clearly made by a Lunarian, but it's minty green hair and piercing neon green slit-eyes made it clear that the figure was a gem.

And it wasn't just any gem, however.

It was a Cat's Eye Izuku, the most toxic gem build in his quirk.

"Is that really him?" Kirishima asked as he held his sword in a protective stance, knowing well that fighting in the offense is not gonna work.

'They made him a monster.' Bakugou thought as he looked down at him arm that started to crack midway.

"We should leave." Kirishima said as Bakugou stood up with his sword in his hand, pointing behind him in a reversed sword block manner.

"I ain't leavin' without a fight." The furious blond challenge as the thin-lined slits directed to Bakugou. Cat's Eye's eyes gleamed brighter as he thrust his sword into Bakugou, but was blocked by Kirishima

"I'm not letting you hurt your friends!" Kirishima yelled as Cat's Eye did nothing but pulled his sword away. 

This is never easy, to fight someone whom you've know to be kind, sensitive and pure of heart.

Everything has definitely changed

"EIJI GET BACK!" Bakugou warned as a blanket of gold engulfed Cat's Eye, which was then sliced away by the force of Cat's Eye's sword.

"So they got you." Phos growled as Cat's Eye gleamed again as he dashed towards Phos and dodged all her golden attacks.

"Traitor.........."  A little whisper, frail and husky came from the figure as Phos and his sword meet.

"I know, and I'm sorry!" Phos apologized as she kicked Cat's Eye away only to have a sword swish through her neck.

"Unforgivable............" Phos' body fell on the ground as her head was bashed almost into powder by the pearl on the end of Cat's Eye's sword.


Cat's Eye's slits turned to Todoroki and Antarc who stood in horror at the sight of their old friend. They were figures Izuku admired, but Cat's Eye somehow could not ever forgive their absence.

"This isn't you! It's your quirk! You can control it!" Todoroki yelled, only for his eyes to meet Cat's Eye's slit-eyes filled with empty mercilessness and purge.

"You weren't there." Cat's Eye hissed as he kicked Todoroki in the stomach, cracking him into a shower of shards.

"No......" Antarc muttered as Cat's Eye swung his sword at Antarc, but was blocked by her sword.

"You aren't him." She said as she cracked the ice beneath him and there he sank to the bottom of the sea.

"He won't be long, go get Todoroki, Bakugou,Zircon and Phos fixed up. Tell the heroes to start patrolling at U.A. He'll be back." Antarc ordered Kirishima as he nodded. Antarc looked up to the sky to see the cruiser ship disappear into its black blanket until it disaapeared.

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