12. Amazonite

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All Might's P.O.V

The hallway echoed as Rutile and I walked to the Confinement Room where Midoriya was kept so that nobody can get any of his shards for weaponizing.

Rutile only requested me to come as of assistance. I don't know why, but I just went along. It was really quiet on the way there, and it made things akward.
I wanted to start the conversation, only to have Rutile start it instead.

"So you're retired now, huh? Bummer, you still look in shape." She said as I only chuckled in pure akwardness.

"Why, thank you Rutile. Sadly, I am retired for health purposes." I replied as she shurgged.

"Unfortunately, but I mean, it is quite a bummer." She said, grabbing the keys only to see a shadow beneath the gap of the door.

"Someone's inside." I said, only to have Rutile walk inside the room.

Young Todoroki was sitting on he edge of the bed while talking to Izuku. It was rare of him to show emotions like this, it wasn't much of an issue, but it really maddened his father to the point where he disowned him.

"Young Todoroki." I muttered for him to stand up and almost leave the room.

"You can stay CinnAntarc, I was just gonna do something. It might not work, like he other 110 times I've done this on him." Rutile said, removing the blanket that covered his stomach.

It was like Midoriya was on his deathbed already, he was holding a bouquet of flowers. Its was assumed that Dia did that, because she would be seen walking inside the room with a brand new bouquet every yime she visited.

"What exactly did you do?" I asked as she only scoffed in a way that said, "Idiots."

"Throughout the millenias of being a medical assistant, I've always came across a project of revival. Wherein I use similar or identical stones of Hardness or Family. I'm currently using and Emerald about 150 years old, not exactly the same family and hardness so I highly doubt there would be any movement." She explained, unbuttoning the buttons to reveal the hole on his chest.

It was so vivid and clear, the memory of his fall and sacrifice. It used to be the war of the Land of the Lustrous and him, but now, because of their ignorance of his warnings, they were part of it now.

"It happened to Padparadscha 250 years ago, in the middle of the Sports Festival, since time runs faster there." She said as she fits the Emerald in the hole.

It was silent

"See, it's a failure. Can you give me the other pieces Tosh?" Rutile requested only for Todoroki an Amazonite core.

"Why this?" She asked the heterochromatic boy as he sighed.

"I saw him, I guess. He was a Turquoise for a while. I felt that it had to be Amazonite." Todoroki replied as Rutile only shrugged.

"Well it's better than anythinb else now that I tried Turquoise and it didn't worked." She said then started to replace the Emerald with Amazonite.

I walked closer to take a better look at the situation as Rutile analyzed the position.

Green light glowed into the dim room
Soft streaks of light green
There it is again- the light.


Izuku shifted to his right and his eyes flutters and blinked, only to open half lidded.

"Morning Green Diamond." Rutile whispered, making Midoriya glance at each one of us in tiredness and confusion.

"S-sho--uto....." He stuttered in a low and weak voice, as I held his cold hands.

"You're fine Young Midoriya, you'll be fine. Just stay awake for as long you can." I told him, only for him to reach out to Todoroki and pat his hair.

"Cinna--Antarc....So beautiful." He whispered, then looked over me and smiled.

"Amber, such pure clarity........I-i m-miss-ed yo--..." Izuku stuttered before going limp. The light pulled back and he closed his eyes again.

Todoroki and I looked at each other for a while before, Rutile removed the Amazonite core and covered him up again.

"You're gonna give up just like that?!?" Todoroki exclaimed as Rutile only chuckled at his actions.

"I should study the concentration of this core, so that I could know what I need to use." She said, before leaving the room to me and Todoroki.

"He's leaving things to us now, it's our responsibilty to keep everyone together." I told him, as he only looked back at the box again. He clenched his  fist and nodded in determination (A/N: There I go again).

"Let's find that core first."

"And deal with the betrayals later.

Amazonite brings truth, honor, communication, integrity, hope and trust to it's beholder.

I am playing too much Identity V and I don't regret it. But anyway, this might be the last chapter for a while. Don't worry I'll give out some details for future chapters

1. They will soon find the Crystal Spire about 3 chapters
2. This won't be pure Tododeku, but I can assure you there will be alot of it. As well as other Izuku X random character.

3. There will be 5 OC gems. Since nobody commented in being mentioned in the book, then I guess I'll just put some random followers I have.

4. MANGA SPOILERS!! Always remember that.
5. Someone is gonna ********
6. Someone is gonna die
7. Should I crash a ship or nah?
8. Heavy depress in the next 3 chaps, bc I can't leave out other characters. They have a significant role in the story as well. This is called Cloud of Cluster after all, cluster of characters explaining how they'll defend each other and Izuku.

9. Major Detail: Todoroki is actually similar to Phos at this point, carrying the burden of loss and now have to take over the role of their lost one.

10. There is still time to comment down for special mentioning!!
Seriously, I'm gonna update every Saturday, what's wrong sith you guys I'm patient!!

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