8. Sapphire and Emerald

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"Hey Iida!!" Uraraka called out for the blue haired man, with glasses on as he followed Jade through the halls.

"Uraraka, where have you been? You didn't show up at dinner yesterday." He said as she handed him a tape recorder.

"I don't have enough time to explain since I'm on duty, but can you give this to Sensei and the panel. I don't know if they'll believe me, but it's my reason for my absence. Sorry if I couodn't tell you any sooner." The brunette apologized before running to her post.

Iida sighed as he looked towards the tape recorder, then continued walking to the meeting room.

"Ah...Blue Sapphire, what took you so long?" Jade asked as she set down some papers that had the reports of the patrols yesterday.

"Uraraka gave me this tape recorder as her reason of her absence. I don't know why exactly, she was in a hurry for patrol." He replied as Jade nodded.

"Well, can I listen to the recording?"

Iida nodded, handing the petite tale recorder to Jade.

"Okay....sorry for not showing up at dinner, but I was just looking for Phos and I found her in the forest talking to Cairngorm. She said that she had a deal that she would exchange Izuku's parts just to get Antarc back."

"Guys, if you don't think it's true, then go to the U.A balcony tomorrow at 3 a.m Please guys, I'm begging you, don't take this as a joke."

Iida's face went pale as Jade only stood there witht the tape.

"How? How could she do this?"

"Who knows, Phos did it before, it's no surprise that she'll do it again. That blasted gem is doing everything in her power to get Antarc, even if it means the end of all humanity." (I subconciously feel as if this was from AOT)

"We should tell the press." Jade continued as she walks inside the conference room. After announcing what had happened they replayed the record, astounding the whole press, unlike the gems of that panel who were unsuprised.

"Traitor!! Why would she do such a thing?!" Endeavor boomed, louder than Kongo-Sensei would when he would scold the gems.

"It was explained in the tape, so that she could get her friend back." Iida said before getting interrupted by Hawks.

"But her friend is a Hardness 4, how could she be restored if the limit was Hardness 5?" He informed, after all it was a well known fact. But a sudden thought came into a certain person's mind.

"What if the record was all a lie?"

Everyone turned to Best Jeanist, who only shurgged.

"That's possible."

"I object, sir!!" Iida exclaimed, startling some of he heros, includinh Aizawa, who was in place of All Might.

"Uraraka would never lie, not unless she was a clone or was mind wiped!! She could only spill the truth when she's in the state of fear." He defended only to have Blacksmith (Here we go with my persona again) snare at him.

"And what if your wrong?"

Iida tensed, he didn't know if Uraraka was telling the truth, he was only doing this as a friend and in the behalf of Midoriya.

"If I am wrong then I shall go down with my ship." He bravely replied, hearing a snicker from the intimidating woman.

"Remember that it's not only her that's on the line. It's everyone." She said before walking out of the conference room. The other heroes followed her out, as it was about time for them to scout around the city for hero duties.

Iida sighed heavily in pure relief, as he walked out last.

His mind was battling to agree with he heroes or to stand on his point. Uraraka was her friend, and he didn't want her to hate him. And if ever Midoriya was in his spot, of course he would defend her.

"If only I could glimpse into the future and into someone's mind." He muttered to himself, only to hear Sir NightEye behind him.

"Apologies for intruding personal space Tenya." NightEye apologized as Iida stood his ground and accepted it.

"Fine weather for Lunarians to appear isn't it?" He tall greenete asked as he looked out of the window.

It wasn't the average, "Fine weather we havin' today, eh?" Or "Nice weather we're having, huh?" anymore, it was this greeting that most of the heroes and U.A students would say to strike up conversations or to break the silence.

"Certainly." Iida responded, to have NightEye's hand on his shoulder.

"You are correct about her being truthful. I saw it in the future."

"But of course, it is your quirk after all."

Sir NightEye sighed, before whispering a distinct detail of the future.

"But I'm afraid the truth won't lead us to victory."

Sapphire brings great wisdom
Emerald brings great vision and intuition to the beholder.

Sorry for a late update, it was announced in the other chapter (I think) that I had a lot of scheduled gigs and outings and sorry.....

Btw, some characters will be from the manga and the next seasons of each. So here are some names to probably look out for

Sir NightEye: Izuku and Mirio's mentor during the Yakuza arc
Fatgum: Kirishima and Tamaki's mentor in he Yakuza Arc.
Eri: Appears in the Yakuza Arc

And here are the personas of me and my friends.
Blacksmith - it's in my icon
Chrysocolla - my classmate Yasmin
Chaos- my other classmate Lara
(They'll be feature in future chapters)
If you want to be featured as a persona in the next chapter, comment your quirk, personality and your hero name. First 5 commenters will be featured.

If the next chapter is late, it's because I have one more gig and outing to go on.

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