24. Were You Ready For This?

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Antarc leaped into the main Lunarian ship and stole the remaining pieces of Izuku before landing back down on the ground. Cairngorm growled before she pointed at Anatarc making all arrows fire at her.

"Guys! A little help!" She exclaimed as Rutile blocked bmost of the arrows with her throwing knifes. 

"We should break this whole thing off while it's crippled." Endeavor grumbled only to be halted by Sir Nighteye.

"No, this is a diversion. If we directly attack she'll summon a whole brigade."

"They why isn't she now?"

The sound of a blast came from the south, a wave of wind broke the building and they all suddenly feel cold. It suddenly came to their minds that a nearby spire was activated which mae every gem a human.

"Ha! You never expected this!" Cairngorm said before clicking her fingers and the whole brigade appeared out of the gray sky. Everyone was overwhelmed by the sudden appearance but Mirio wasn't fazed.

He carried a large black sword with purple engravings as Mei carried a purple disk that matched the engravings in Mirio's sword.

"You think we're fazed by this?! Ha! We are prepared villain!" Mirio exclaimed as he held back his sword.

"We knew about your spires, and we came ready." Mei said, smirking sadistically before loading the disks.

In uniform action they waved their weapons, which took out the whole brigade.

"Same material of your spire, I happened to perfect it. My newest baby in the shed, Prismatic Amethyst." Mei annouced as Cairngorm still remained unfaze.

"Were you ready for this?"

Sunspots grew in the ground, forming tall, dark silhouettes. They formed color and revealed many infamous villains, in many groups. The whole Paranormal Liberation Army and the Shie Hassaikai, alongside the League of Villains stood tall and mighty with their quirks ready and their spirits fueled with bloodlust.

"Oh my god." All Might muttered as he turned to Sir Nighteye, who's hand covered his mouth in fear and horror.


The sound of a blast descended to see Gigantomachia blocking the entrance to the school.

"It's over heroes and gems, the world is mine now." Cairngorm laughed as she waved her hand. 

A battle went loose, and it was clearly an unfair battle.


Suprisingly, no one has died yet. The villains may have the upper chance in terms of numbers but not of skills. The number of villains slimmed down to an equal with the heroes. Rutile and Recovery Girl aren't taking this very well.

"Iida, take Ryoku to Recovery Girl!" Tamaki commanded as Iida sped of with Ryoku on his back.

It was a war, and not a very pleasant one as Hawks was having trouble fighting in sides. Though, he stayed loyal with his trait, and stuck on heroship.

The blond stumbled across Twice and Dabi who just finished off two metalloids of Pro Hero: Metalhead who was currently off in the city, as he was hospitalized days ago.

"Well, look what we have here. A friend---A TRAITOR!" Dabi sighed at Twice's reaction.

"You know our terms, right?" Dabi asked as HAwks nodded.

"Yep. Don't kill eac--"

"Not that one."

Hawks froze as he left out his hand for Dabi to give him a green orb.

"Give it to Todoroki, it said. This is a memory core, so don't loose it." Dabi instructed as HAwks saluted before flying off.

"We're so dead if Shigaraki finds out." Twice muttered as Dabi shrugged.

"But it's for the kid." He continued as he created another clone of himself, which ran off with a gun in hand.

"Yeah." Dabi said before his head wandered off into the depth of his memory.

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