16. Reflections

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Cairngorm's P.O.V
"Have any idea what else you should deal?" All for One asked as I sipped some of the white wine that was served by the purple fog.

"The location of Izuku's body would be nice, as well as the core--."

"Unfortunately the core is unknown to her. Only specific panelists have the knowledge of it's location." Shigaraki informed as I onky groaned at the unfortunate information.

"But she told us which person we could use to get the location." He continued  as I set my elbows on the table and hold the wine glass.

"Diamond, right? Well, I think not her. Yellow Diamond would be a better choice."

"How would you know?" All for One asked as I looked at Aechmea nodded in approval.

"Well, Yellow Diamond has a mental alteration, more similar to Alexandrite but way more effective."

"That would be?"

"A personality defect. She has a defect wherein she believes that she's a Lunarian. We helped her out and she became normal again. It wasn't really a cure, it was more like a suspender or a blocker. But only those who followed Phos to the moon know the trigger of that defect. And I believe I can collaborate with Phos to start the Lunarian defect in her." I replied, making All for One smirked.

I tilted my head and wiped my hand over the table, playing with the ends of the glass.

"You know, Izuku is quite similar."

"What do you mean? My son doesn't have such." All for One stated as I giggled manically. Aechmea gave me a pad where I recorded a certain time where such happened.

"Just take a look dear."

"Hey Izuku! You little shit!! Why don't you run to All for One you son of a bitch!!"

"Huh? What are you talking about? Who's All for One?"

"Are you dense you fuck?! You're dad."

"Who is my father? I don't recall...."

"In that very moment, Izuku forgets his own childhood and only recalls his memories of his life in the Lands of the Lustrous. He recognizes himself as gem, not a person." I informed, making All for One's fist into ball.

"My plans....."

"Don't worry, Hisashi. You're son has better parts of our plan. Don't think that you can cripple the whole Heroic System, when you only destroy a strand of it? It's barely minimum." I told him before walking off with Aechmea.

"I'll be on my way now! I don't want to get caught anyhow!!" I giggled bidded as the table remained silent as my laugh echoed through the halls of the building.

"You'll never find out the true identity, for there are many reflection to a side of a spire."

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