23. Howling Glaciers

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"What?" Bakugou scoffed as Kirishima leaned onto him.

"We shouldn't really shun Midoriya for being the son of All For One. He wasn't raised by him, you know?" Kirishima said, before Bakugou groaned.

"If you want to side with him, fine. I won't judge you, just be careful. You know how people are to him, especially when the rumors started." Bakugou muttered the last part as Kirishima sighed.

It was a winter afternoon and Izuku's been out almost for the entire weekend, since Saturday. Kirishima, being the empathetic friend he is, got worried so he went out to look for Midoriya.


"Midoriya!!" Kirishima called as his legs sunk in the snow, step after step, dipping into the cold ground as his breath fogged up the air. He rubbed his hands together as the sound of howling glaciers crashed in the distance. 

clash, klink, klink, klink, clashhhh.....


Kirishima ran towards the sound, almost falling of the shore ledge as the sound of water settled.


Kirishima saw the glacier slid off cleanly before  it sunk into the sea, a familiar green haired spectrum was seen below the icy surface of the sea, to realize it was Midroiya.

"Midoriya!!" Izuku turned to see the red-head who waved at him with a big smile in his face.

Kirishima  felt the snow in front of him give away to his weight, making him fall head first into the icy sea, only which wasn't making him wet. He opened his eyes o see himself in the arms of Izuku who looked at him concernedly.

"Are you alright?" Izuku asked sincerely as Kirishima blushed in embarassment.

"Yeah, umm....Can you put me down, I don't want Katsuki to suddenly see us like this?" Kirishima asked politely as Izuku gently place Kirishima down.

"Sorry." Izuku apologized before walking away with a saw-like sowrd in hand.

"Hey, wait! What are you doing? You've been out for days!" 

"It's only been one day." Izuku clarified only for Kirishima to snap out of outrage.

"Out in the cold! You could get hypomerthia with! Hypomerthia? Hypomethia?" The redhead stumbled on his word before Izuku could clarify him, again.


"Whatever. Look, this isn't healthy."

"I can stand the cold, it's already part of my system." Izuku reasoned as he tried to walk away.

"I don't care." Kirishima stated as the greenett rolled his eyes in ignorance.

"Just don't interrupt me with my business, you'll get hurt if you'll act like this." Izuku said before dashing into an icy lake.

"Hey! That's---"

A glacier ascended out of nowhere as Izuku jumped on it and ran towards the other side. The other side was steep so when Izuku dashed down he stuck his sword in the glacier and dragged it down, cutting the glacier in half. 

"So cool...So.......manly." Kirishima muttered as Izuku hung the sword on his side while the glacier sank behind him, the waves splashing on Izuku who was unmoved by the force.

"That....is some dangerous work." Kirishima admitted as Izuku sighed, before flinching as another glacier ascended in the distance, howling louder than any other glacier. Clearly this glacier isn't one to deal wit--

clink, wosh.......

Izuku landed on the ice as the glacier broke off into tiny pieces, shocking Kirishima with his abnormal speed. It was faster than Iida's as well as All Might's personal speed. This wasn't a quirk, he supposed.

"Hey, why do you--?"

"It's a hobby."

"Eh?!!? Ain't that a little dangerous?" Kirishima exclaimed as Izuku shrugged.

"I'm not the only one engaged with it though." Kirishima sighed as he leaned onto the ice behind him, hearing something whisper in his hear.

"Why are you even here? You should leave before the waves drown you...."

"How are you happy?"

"You will never feel loved."

"It's just another trick."

"Bakugou loves you out of spite."


Izuku looked back at the redhead who muttered to himself unusually. "Don't listen to them Kirishima." The redhead turned to Izuku, tears pricking his eyes.

"These glaciers, are the voices of sorrow and loneliness. So whatever that upsets you will be howled by them." Izuku stated as Kirishima tilted his head.

"Why do you refer the glaciers to 'them'?"

"They're gems too. Well, they used to."

Kirishima stood up, wiping his tears away, only to receive a hug from Izuku.

"Do not listen to the howling glaciers."

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