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Cinnabar's P.O.V
Quiet, it was very quiet.

Being alone isn't easy, I get that. But sometimes, it calms you down from all the ruckus and disturbances.

Loneliness isn't really a bad thing. It's only when you're always with others, you start to cling onto them. But in my case, it was only one person, Midoriya.


"You shouldn't be here, I'm on night watch duty."

"But you look so lonely, so I wanna help!"

"I'm used to being lonely."

"But not everybody deserves it..."

"Cinnabar." A cold and deep voice called me as I turned to see Midoriya's friend, Shouto.

"You shouldn't be here." I told him as he only sighed in reply. Even so, the state of how he sighed was quite hesitant, that's quite out of character of him. From what Midoriya always said about him, he was perfect in every way possible.

"So, has anyone caught your eye?"

"Oh, ummm.....well, I do."

"Fill me in, I wanna know if this person can be trusted."

"Umm....that's funny actually. He's like you and Antarc."

"I came to see, if you can train me." Shouto said looked up to me as the moonlight is reflected by my crystal hair. It was absurd that he'd ask such a question. He was already better than me by a mile, with a good quirk and fighting style in hand. why would he ask me to train him?

"And why would I do that?" I retorted, turning back to the ocean that boasted the full moon's size through it's reflection.

"Izuku kept talking about you. About how you were so good at fighting even though you were below Hardness 5, how intelligent you are and how you we a big inspiration to him. I want to be someone that Izuku admires and looks up to in his down times. I knew that he looked up to me as well, but not in the way he looks up to you." he explained as I only sighed.

"And it's because I want to be stronger."

"In what way exactly?"

"I want to be stronger for everyone, just like how Izuku was strong for all of us."

"Even the strongest have their breaking points, I suppose."

3rd P.O.V (It's been a while, eh?)

The night was silent. The moon was bright, boasting of how whole it is while the ocean waters reflected its face. In the dark sky, stars twinkled, and silver mercury trailed the air.

 The mercury reformed into needles, becoming deadly to the touch of any organism. Cinnabar, a weak yet dangerous gem released more mercury to attack. Shouto used his sword to block most of the poison, only to hear the cracks of his arms.

"You can be faster than that." Cinnabar said, holding more mercury in her hand.

The night isn't as silent before, as it was filled with cracks, shatters and colliding crystals.

"No wonder why he keeps talking about you."

Cinnabar brings independence and stability in a person's  mind. Caution when in use, as it a crystalline form of Mercury.

Sorry for delay, my ideas got sucked into the void, until I used white magic it revive it. I was also in the mood. I actually drew a layout as if it was in the manga, butttt I suck at drawing so I'm not gonna show it. Unless you want me to

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