7. Brown Tourmaline

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"You think we'll get the authority to wake Izuku up?"

"Maybe, when the time comes. We don't want him to fall in the hands of the Lunarians or the whole world is screwed."

It was a usual topic, to when the time that Izuku will be awoken will be at stake. But it was always under the authority of Kongo-Sensei, he master of the gems. He wasn't exactly a gem, or a human. Nobody knew who or what he was. Many of the students questioned him, but didn't get a reply. They also asked the gems,  but they replied with, "Now is not the time to ask that question." Or ,"I'm not sure myself."

Uraraka, who was most curious, asked almost everyone, to the loint it was annoying. Before she planned on asking Rutile, she noticed Cinnabar in the distance, sitting along the edge of the nearby cliff.

It faced towards the ocean, which hid the sun as it started to set. She approached her and sat beside, careful not to touch the sikver metal floating around the red-headed gem.

"You shouldn't be here." Cinnabar said, only to get  a shrug out of the brunnette. Uraraka was quite strong unlike most gems, she was Hardness 7 as every Tourmaline would.

"I know. I just have a question." Uraraka said, catching Cinnabar's attention.

"What is Kongo-Sensei? Is he a gem or a human? What is he, exactly?" She asked as Cinnabar just sighed and looked towards the sunset.

"I don't want to answer that question. It might disturb our focus." Cinnabar answered, well, not really.

"If I answer your question, everyone might not trust his service as it is. Besides, he's doing this for Izuku and for everyone. It's for your sake." Cinnabar said, before standing up from her spot to start her patrol.

"I hope you understand, Brown Tourmaline."

"Uraraka or Uravity please. After this whole ordeal is over, I'm not gonna be a Tourmaline anymore." Uraraka suggested, before she walked away. She started to look for Phos, even if she was the youngest amongst Deku's sisters, it was polite to ask her. I mean, the youngest are usually the most curious. Phos must've stumbled upon the question in her head.

She looked all over the premises, and all the only place left to check was the forest. Of course, she wasn't allowed to be there at night, but she was curious. Too curious.

"Phos!!" She called out like a child. Uraraka knew that Phos had a 24 hour duty. But it was completely unreasonable that someone had to do so. But then again, Cinnabar needed a bit of back-up.

"Phoooooossssss!!!" She called out again, now she sounded like Red Beryl. I'm pretty sure annoying Phos would catch her attention.

"PHOSPHOPHYLLITE!!!!" She sounded like Dia now. It was getting annoying, and she was scared that she might have spdisturbed her with somethin----

"Who's calling Phos?"

A woman's voice, but that clearly wasn't Phos. Who could it be? It sounded u familiar. Very unfamiliar.

"Must be one of Izuku's classmates, she could wait.." Now that was Phos. Uraraka could see Phos' glowing eye in the distance. She silently walked towards the conversation, to see the very location where Deku fought Muscular. The vivid memory of Izuku breaking and the sound of crystal break out of the ground.

"Izuku!!" Uraraka cried ss she spots Deku who was covered in cracks and fractures as shards fell from the tiny gaps of his skin.

They were in the middle of fighting off Magne, Spinner, Dabi and Mr. Compress. Izuku was clearly not in the shape to fight. Izuku panted before he touched the ground, making it shake. Then separate pillars of Selenite blocked or hit the said villains, which dropped the orbs that Tokoyami and Bakugou were stuck in.

Tokoyami was release but Bakugou was taken back by Dabi, who was heading towards the dark portal which possibly lead to the hideout. Bakigou was released, but was held back by Dabi.

"Deku....don't come back for me you stupid nerd."

"So, you have it?" The unfamiliar voice said, as Uraraka found a good spot to hid in. Under the roots of a tree. It was a goo thing that Brown Tourmaline didn't glowed brightly, or she might be caught.

"Yes. The pieces of the pillar that Izuku made, here." Phos said, with the sound of crystals being hit together gently.

"Wooooowww.." 459 meters. That was far. Even if Uraraka had infinity which made her an exemption, Deku had the highest amongst the whole class.

"Good. Now, there will be Lunarians coming from the Southern boardwalk of the town Izuku used to live in. Another attack will be around the cliffedges where the Amethyst Sisters would be patrolling. That's all."

Uraraka peeked out of her spot to see a woman in Lunarian clothing, that was translucent. Her complexion matched the night sky of space and her hair was gray as ivory or silver.

"Any other plans with Aechema?"

"Oh~Just cuddling and planning. Why? Are you jealous?" The woman smirked as a small fluffy Lunarian dog was thrown in the air by her and was caught.

Wasn't Aechmea the king of the Lunarians?

"No. Just wondering. Anyways, Same time and place tomorrow Cairngorm?"


Wasn't she the corrupted gem?

"Of course, if you changed the time and place I would be certainly be pissed. And probably exchange your other eye with Antarc's, wouldn't that be fun?"  Cairngorm giggled madly as she cuddled with the Lunarian dog.

"It's best that we should, I feel like someone else is here." Phos said, looking around. Uraraka hid back inside the roots, careful not to amke any sound.

"Hmm? I didn't noticed that the screaming shouted. Probably they just gave up finding you. That's what they did when you came back to Earth the third time around. Don't you remember?" Cairngorm recalled in an insane tone, as if she was pressing on Phos' buttons.

"You being destroyed by the rest of the remaining gems and left buried, spread across the Country of Gems. It was entertaining." Cairngorm taunted, only to get a sword to her neck.

Unfortunately the Lunarian ship guarding the premises pointed towards Phos, disabling her to fight the mischevious gem.

"You're lucky that we had a deal. We both trade parts. Izuku and Antarc."

"Indeed. Maybe the U.A balcony by 3:00 a.m sharp would do for you, right?"

"Sure enough."

Uraraka was too petrified. Phos was a traitor? Not just to her sisters and all of Japan, but for her brother Izuku? How could she?

The Lunarian ship left as Phos headed into the forest. After a few mintues, Uraraka felt like she's in the clear and she left her hiding spot. She raced towards the dorms and only found everyone asleep.

She tried to find the teacher but they were either on patrol, or sleeping. Uraraka was too scared to shut her mouth, but she remembered a tape recorder that Jirou gave her for a project.

She entered her room and locked the door. She inspected every nook and cranny of her room just in  case Phos was watching her. Then she started recording.

"Okay....sorry for not showing up at dinner, but I was just looking for Phos and I found her in the forest talking to Cairngorm. She said that she had a deal that she would exchange Izuku's parts just to get Antarc back."

"Guys, if you don't think it's true, then go to the U.A balcony tomorrow at 3 a.m Please guys, I'm begging you, don't take this as a joke."

She sighed and layed on her bed, hiding it in a secret compartment under her bed. Uraraka's breath calmed down, slowing closing her and falling asleep.

"It's gonna be okay, Uraraka. I'll make sure that everyone believes you."

Brown Tourmaline is a calming and reassuring stone

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