29. Unnecessary Secrets

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"Yes, sir. Including Kongo-Sensei." Euclase hesitantly said, as the heroes panel sat in shock.

What was once innocent, became blind with rage. It was inevitable

"Can Kongo-Sensei be repaired?"

"I'm afraid not Sir Nighteye, only in the hands of the Lunarians can he be repaired." Euclase answered as Sir Nighteye's head faced down onto the floor.

"If they have done that dead-end move, it means they have no intention to use Kongo-Sensei in this situation. It is pretty much eliminating a higher being." Sir Nighteye said as Euclase nodded in aggrement.

"It appears as if they were driven with a different drive, since if they have no reason to do something, they start to gain the sense of boredom and so on." Euclase deduced turning from the panel as Endeavor's brow raise.

"So what are you implying?" Endeavor asked as Euclase turned back to the panel.

"The Lunarians and the League of Villains have another plan besides getting Sensei and ending the hero society. At this point I don't think the Lunarians need Sensei anymore.

"What if.....No, that's completely absurd." Euclase muttered to herself.

"What do you mean, 'absurd'."

"They want to take over Earth."

"Yep, that's completely absurd." Hawks shrugged before suddenly getting a chill up his back. Like, what if that was the entire goal. The League wasn't a major part, the Lunarians could do it themselves.

"Hawks? You look upset." Mirko asked her seatmate as Hawks' wings flinched. 

"I had a sudden thought, but it's nothing important."

"Awwww......little birdy's scared~"
"NO I'M NOT!!"

"Enough." All Might hushed as Euclase sighed at the rowdy conersation.

"I don't have much to say, except that some of the students are getting memory shards from someone. " Euclase reported.

"What memory shards? And who's memories."


"From who?"

"It was disclosed. They won't say. And those who did, said it was guy in a black cloak, if not it was a guy who smoked and wore a mask of black and grey." Euclase said as she placed the memory shards in separate packets.

"Wait, Izuku gave me some shards back then before you guys came." Aizawa said, pulling out something from his bag.

"These are Izuku's shards alright. But these aren't memory shards......" euclase said before flinching.

"Get Rutile.


Cat's Eye stood in front of All for One, Re-destro and Shigaraki as Toga hugged him weirdly.

"Izuku you look so cool covered in blood~" Toga cooed only to be slashed in half by Cat's Eye.

"What the hell?" Dabi muttered as he saw the blood gushing on the floor as Izuku wiped his sword.

"My mistress is in need of the development information on the spires." Cat's Eye blandly announced as All for One snapped his finger. A short man with a snarky looking beard came in before leaving the written report.

"We're only lacking 150 spires. It is only a matter of time that she'll tell us her real plans with these spires." All for One said as Cat's Eye's eyes gleamed.

"My mistress has forbidden me to disclose the information you ask of. You'll need to ask her personally." Cat's Eye said as Shigaraki growled in disappointment.

"Keeping your body here was a quite a fucking klutz, so kindly give a tiny detail what you have in store for us." Shigaraki hissed as Cat's Eye's eyes gleamed again.

"The mistress remarked that 5 of the spires are to be positioned in the center, the north, south, east and west of Japan. It's to close Japan off the rest of the world, trapping everyone in." Cat's Eye rreplied as Shigaraki grinned.

"That's more like it." He dismissed before Cat's Eye left the building. A Lunarian ship was waiting for him, to see Chrysoberyl holding her hand out to catch him.

"Spoiled child." Chrysoberyl hissed as Cat's Eye cackled evilly.

"He only got what he wanted, an advanced death sentence."


"This part of Izuku rarely comes loose." Rutile muttered as she raised the shard on sunlight.

"I'm not sure what it's called, but this is what regulates Izuku's quirk. Say, when did you get this Aizaw?"

"Two days before your arrival."

"Huh, divine timing. Apparently, this is what could have stopped Izuku from becoming radioactive. If he kept this core, it would be his body's defense mechanism to fight anything that tried to damage Izuku."

"Speaking of cores, the core Todoroki gave me was something I didn't register."

"English please."

"You fuck, I don't know what fucking core Izuku gave you."

"Thank you." Todoroki said as Rutile glared at Todoroki.

"Well in any case, let me know if you have met Izuku along the way. And if you do, I suggest you run." Rutile said as everyone just became confused.

"Why the fuck are we gonna run if we can't even run faster than him?!"

"Look...." Rutile sighed as Dia walked in the room.

"I don't wanna explain it to you. It's a very personal topic, don't even ask any other gem. They won't give you an answer." Rutile said before walking out of her office.

"Is something wrong?" Dia asked Todoroki as he just shook his head.

"No, it's nothing."


"Secrets? At this time, that's just unnecessary!"

"I know, but it seems as if they knew who Cat's Eye was. And their reaction was just pure horror and not confusion." Aizawa said as Nighteye rubbed his eyes.

"They can't trust us."

"And we can't trust them. How are we gonna even fight this war if we don't know anything about our opponents." Nighteye ranted as he heard someone walk inside the room. It was just Antarc, who seemed to be looking for Phos.

"Oh, it's just you guys. What are you doing up so late?" Antarc asked, crossing her armas the two men sighed.

"Are you guys hiding something from us? Like, not telling us something we should know?" Aizawa asked as Antarc flinched.

They knew she knew something, but what was it?

"I----......Saying it might just make you guys scared. But I'm trying to find someone who I can trust the information with." Antarc said as Nighteye used his skill on her.

"I'm sorry if it is an unnecessary secret. But it's for your own good."

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