18. Sugilite

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Shinsou's P.O.V (To make up for his absence in the last book, you're welcome)

"SUGILITE-KUN!!!" Red Beryl scremed, while trying to drag me in her room for the uniform measurements.

"Let me go!! It's almost my shift!!" I excused, only for her to insist while screaming over a 100,000 decibels, what is up wih these people being like his?!

"Just let me go please.." I plead only for her to win and start taking measurements. I sighed in defeat only to hear a faint voice come from the back of my head.

Don't do this Phos.



That sounded like Yellow....Wait, was Phos hurting he---

"Hi Yellow!!" Red Beryl greeted Yellow Diamond as she looked at Red Berly with a smile, but it defromed into confusion until her eyes landed on me.

"Who's this?" She asked, as she looked at me, tilting her head slightly.

"That's Sugalite, you're partner for today. Didn't the panel already tell you?" Red Beryl asked as she rolled up her measuring tape and wrote down the measurements.

"The panel, who are you talking about? You mean the Prince and Princess?" She asked, which made Red Beryl flinch.

"Oh dear....."

I turnd to her and I heard Yellow's voice, but it was faint.

Help me please!! That's not me!! Please!!

"Umm....Yellow, I think you should take a time off." I told her, making Yellow yawn and nod in agreement.

"Yeah, I should. Thanks for that Suga, I'll be leaving now." She said, skipping towards her room not too far from here.

Midnight, today. Midnight, today.

"That's not Yellow, that's for sure." Red Beryl said, letting me go from her measuring tape around my waist and dismissed me.

"Before you go to your shift, go to Rutile and ask for some of her 'medicadtions'. Specifically the bright yellow ones. I forgot what she called them." She said before ushering me away from her as she began her work with the new uniforms.

It was strange, honestly. But it's not like I've seen stranger. It worries me though.

Like how it worried me when I saw Izuku before.


"Go to hell Izuku!! You belong with the villains!!" A fellow Class C student yelld as Izuku walked by with his tray for lunch, which I could barely call lunch. It was just pure soup, no accompaniments or whatsoever in it.

I pitied him

I want to help

"Why did I even dream of coming here?"

"It was a mistake to come here."

"I wish I can go back home...."

That sounded like Izuku. He sounded, faint, lost, despaired.

I wish I could help, I mean, he's in my shoes. I'VE been in his shoes, he just needs someone.

But am I up for it?

End of Flashback

"Yellow's on it again, huh?" Rutile asked, throwing me a box full of liquid yellow stuff in it....what??

"That's a special component that concentrates her elemental composition. That way her Lunarian side doesn't you know....wake up." She said as I looked at the vials of yellow liquid.

"Give it to her as soon as you meet her." She said before repairing Monoma who's leg got chipped off. Oof, he's a Sandstone, Hardness 2 to 3 I suppose.

"Don't look at me you zero cleavage!"

"I'm Hardness 6.5 dear." I quoted before leaving him. Thank god mom taught me sass (sorry, I just can't, my son has too much emo sass I can't even...)


I have to deal with this now.

Sugilite brings intuition and psychic abilities

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