6. The Search Begins

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"Another Crystallizing Beacon? Do you know how long it takes to track one? We literally took 8 decades to find the one back home, and who knows how big it is and how large it's premises range lasts." Bort exclaimed as Rutile explained to the heroes and some of the gems who attended the emergency meeting.

"The Crystal Spire can be located anywhere, the only thing that varies is the largeness, not the height. If it's base larger, then the range is very distant. Plus, Crystal Spires can be hidden in plain sight." Rutile says, illustrating the Crystal Spire on the blackboard.

"How is it exactly powered? Because if we know about it, we could cut off their source." Endeavor boomed in question.

"Good luck with cutting off the sun, because light is the only source." Bort scoffes as Rutile continued discussing the anatomy of the structure.

"Not to mention, it is made with synthetic or genuine crystals which some are used in---"

"Solar panels. We are screwed." Blacksmith, the current No. 4 hero commented as Eraserhead rubbed his head in utter confusion and disappointment.

"What are we supposed to do? Even if we find the Spire, what are we gonna do about it?" Mount Lady asked.

"We wait the energy out as we leave it buried." Jade suggested, only to be interuppted by Rutile.

"Nope, some gems get energy as it is buried. The only option is to dismantle it by sections; tip, core and base. That way the energy can't be amplified to the base and the tip cannot collect any energy."

"I did not sign up as a hero to deal with this all over again." Hawks said as Chaos, a vigilante currently under Blacksmith, hit her head on the table continuously, suprisingly not knocked out.

"Now, any idea on it's location?" Miriko asked, as everyone just shrugged at the question.

"We first need the Crystallization premises, that we we may know the midpoint of it."

"Well, there haven't been any reports of Crystallization proccesses arounf the city, only reported around the dormatories and the U.A grounds. Maybe that's where they're hidden." Blacksmith reported, showing some files of the students, staff members and other people who were already Crystallized.

"Are there any towers or spires around the U.A grounds?"

"Not that I know of. I only remembered the balcony, the building crossover and the tracking field that had spires, but that was about 16 years ago. I'm not sure if the structure is the same." The woman replied, worried about Aizawa, who was under her hero agency as a safety precaution.

He became a Labradorite, not the most liable when it came to hardness, je was about 6 1/2.

"The balcony is a midpoint, I suggest you start searching there. The Crystallization Effect takes effect after a month or so, it wears off only if the spire is dismantled." Rutile said, before Obsidian barges inside the room, panting.

"Lunarian ships, heading towards the U.A building, Morga and Goshe need help." She reported between pants, before falling to the ground in a worn apout manner.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!" Bakugou screamed as he was being shot at in different directions by 3 individual Lunarian ships. They were heading towards the tracking field in a speeding manne.

"They just appeared out of nowhere!!" Kirishima complained, almost tripping as he got hit by an arrow, luckily not loosing a limb. He blocked an arrow and  zipped passed the track field gate, which lead inside the U.A building.

Bakugou, Goshe and Morga ran towards the gate, only to be blocked by a blockade of arrows. Bakugou was lucky enough to be inside, but had to see Goshe and Morga hold off the 3 Lunarian ships.

"Go! We'll be right behind you." Morga said, blocking another arrow thsat was shot towards her. Goshe had one arm left, which had her sword.

"I'll clear the arrows, cover me---"




The Lunarian ship landed to collect the pieces of the gems. It was only lucky that Phos was there to intervene with them. Kongo-Sensei was also there and he did his thing as usual.

Then Rutile did her usual surgery on the two gems as called for and then the search begins.

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