28. Past Dilemmas

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Antarc remembered vividly who Cat's Eye was. Izuku's anger was something that cannot be reckoned with. Never even dare taunt it. But luckily, whatever angers him is something she knows she'll never do.

Well, at least something she never wanted to do. However, it did happen. Her nightmare. She knew this would happen as soon as she had been taken away by the Lunarians. 

What angered Izuku and made Cat's Eye was the sense of loneliness. It not only angered him, it made him mad and full of empty grudges.

And broken promises. Oh how it brought Izuku a great sense of anger, hate and distrust.

His trust is like glass, once it's broken, it can never be fixed back.

This was critical to Izuku's attitude. Perhaps it was because of the numerous times he was betrayed during his childhood, the loss of his mother, the torment of his father and Bakugou.

Izuku hated being alone and betrayed, and when he snaps, he becomes vile and wicked and--


Not a single word would come out, and if there were words he wished to say, it would be full of malice, hate and the negative aura of bloodlust.

No, he has never killed anyone before, but his rampage over the loss of his dear friends Lapis Lazuli and Ghost Quartz made everyone get the full picture.

He has the potential to destroy, annihilation of whole civilizations and death. Like the Fool

Innocent, full of faith, and a new beginning, but if the world were upside-down, he would be the harbinger of chaos, recklessness, lack of direction and poor judgement.

She was scared, not for herself but for him. 


Todoroki's thought faded into the projected lights of Izuku's recovered memory as his mind wandered into nothingness.

He felt like this, almost everyday. 

"So you got his message?" The man in a black cloak and sititches stood behind him, alongside Hawks who held the man in place.

"Dabi, what are you doing here?" Todoroki asked as the man gently placed another small packet of green tourmaline.

"I tried my best to get the rest. And, this one is specifically for you.

"Izuku."Todoroki called as Izuku turned to see him with a worried expression

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine."

"No really, are you?" Todoroki asked as Izuku nodded.

"Of course I am. Why are you asking?" Todoroki sighed as he hugged Izuku tightly.


"You helped me with so much, so I want to return the favor." Todoroki said as he released Izuku from his arms as Izuku's cheeks tinted with a light blush.

"If there is anything you need to talk about, I'm here to listen." Todoroki said as Izuku's face started to tear up in joy.

He finally had someone to trust

"Todoroki. Promise me you will not give up on me. I am not too far, and I am still here."


Bakugou flinched at the memory. It was so nostalgic, yet cringy. But what can they say? They were just children.

"Kacchan! Kacchan! Look what I brought from the province!"

"What is it?" Izuku pulled out a small yellow rock, it was shiny and around the size of his palm.

"Citrine! I figured you need this to stay happy!"

"Sweet! Does it bring good luck?"

"Yes! And a lot! When I brought this home,  I got a special toy from the toy machine!"

"So cool!!!"

Kirishima smiled as Bakugou laughed at his old antics, he still carried one piece of the memory.

It was the very reason why he was a Citrine. He held the small rock in his hand as he stuffed it inside his pocket.

"Kacchan. Please don't forget what we had before. I missed it more that anything."

Guilt slithered up his back as Kirishima frowned and hugged Bakugou.

"When he comes back, we'll tell him. Okay?" Kirishima said as Bakugou nodded.

"We'll get him back."


Snow covered the ground, even if the waves crashed, it still became frothy snow. A pale green glow shone in the distance.

"He's here." Mount Lady alerted as Kamui Woods silently extended his wooden li---



Kongo-Sensei stood as he saw the green light shine on the white snow.

"It has been a while, Cat's Eye." He greeted as Cat's Eye only replied with a thrust to Kongo-Sensei's chest.

"Destroying me will do nothing anymore. Many have tried, and you will most definitely fail." Cat's Eye twisted the sword only for it to suddenly extend.

"We do not need you anymore, old man."

'Enough playing around for me, I still have much more to do.'  Cat's Eye thought to himself as he left the scene with a critically damaged Machine and 2 red corpses.


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