2. Phosphophyllite

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After Red Diamond woke up, the heroes questioned her along with Phos, Dia, Jade and Euclase to assist the old gem.

"So, what did you first see?" Phos asked, only to hear a familiar description of the Lunarian spire when she first arrived there.

"Nee-chan, did you know what happened after that?" Dia asked her, only to receive a shrug. "I didn't know what happened, but surely enough I could hear them talk about building a machine." Red Diamond recalled the strange voices she'd heard in her slumber.

"We know that." Endeavor said, only to be interrupted by the red head.

"They said the machine needed 2 things, the shards and core of Green Diamond and Kongo-Sensei....."

The whole panel looked at each other and then to Phos. "I don't recall them planning on using Kongo-Sensei, but I think it's a distraction target." Phos excused, before Red Diamond raised her hand.

"They mentioned about Antarc's pieces being almost complete."


"Antarc's pieces? I thought it was impossible to repair them." Dia started, confusing the hero panel; All Might, Endeavor, Hawks, Best Jeanist and Eraserhead.

"Umm....We had a gem war after Phos sided with the Lunarians for a while and brought Cairngorm, Dia, Ame, Benito, Alex and Padpa to the moon with her. By Phos' request, they built a machine that fixed gems, since the Lunarians crushed the gem shards til they were dust. The issue for the repair was that only gems Hardness 5 up can be repaired." Jade acknowledge, shocking the heroes and Red Diamond who was totally clueless about a big piece of history.

"Antarc's a Hardness 4."

Phos' golden hands formed into a fist as she scrunched her face in anger and outrage.

"They lied to me......"

"Well, they weren't entirely the species to gamble with. Look what happened, we're in this big mess and we have to fught for not only ourselves, but for this society and Izuku." Euclase reminded, making Phos even more mad than before.

"So you're blaming it all on me? Years ago you just put me down as useless! If you gave me a proper job, none of this would've happen!!" Phos yelled, punching the table in anger.

"Guys, now is not the time to fight!! At least we have Red now, and she's the oldest amongst all of us. She obviously has more experience and knowledge, so she could help us out. We just have to tell her everything that has happened when she was gone." Dia stated, trying to calm down the two gems in the room. Phos ticked before walking out the room, slamming the door on her way out.

"Dia-chan, who was that?"

"That, was Phosphophyllite. The youngest among the 28 of us."

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