pref: how y'all met

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- there was an award show and gavin leatherwood dragged you to meet the cast of stranger things because he's close to joe keery. you didn't want to go because you were chatting and having a good time with your other costars. you saw a tall figure in a black tux with curly hair and freckles that made you stare at him in awe. gavin snapped you infront of your face and suddenly your trance was cut off, making you blush in embarrassment. he introduced you to finn and throughout the night, you were having a pretty good time with him. oh and you got each others numbers + a ramen date the next two days.


- it was chemistry class and the teachers assigned you and mike to be lab partners. mike hated you for some reason that nobody even knows. you ignored the fact that he hated you, you didn't even know him! y/b/f/n just told you that he hated you. you didn't care not one bit, you just wanted a damn good grade and didn't want to fail. apparently, he spilled 3/4 of the solution in your lab gown making you fume in anger. that's when you had it and made the lab act on your own. mike apologized a couple times and you didn't mind it. he stayed silent the whole time which amazed you because he talks a lot. after class you went yo your locker and found a folded note. you opened the note with a familiar handwriting that says

i'm sorry for being an idiot for
***-***-*** times. maybe i don't h8 u?

witty bastard.


- y'all were having your geometry test in class. while you were stuck on one number, you kept on thinking. you felt a pair of eyes staring at you and for goodness sake, it was trashmouth tozier. he immediately stopped and pretended to answer not knowing what to write. after class you went to him and he was putting his things in his locker. when he closed it he saw you and cursed a loud *intensifies* "hOLY SHIT" making you jump. you asked why was he staring at you which made him nervous. he said that you were really pretty and you complimented him + also added that u were shocked that he didn't hit on you like he does on other girls.
"aww you're jealous baby?"


- you went home from school and as you entered your house, your dog greeted you with barks and running all around you. you played with him for a couple of minutes when a boy asked you where the bathroom is. you dodged the question and asked him instead why was he there and who tf he was.    apparently he delivered a pizza that your mom ordered and realized that he's a schoolmate of you. your mom asked a few questions about him and let him enter the house to put the 3 boxes on the table. he asked if he could use the bathroom and your mom kindly agreed. the house was pretty huge so tyler really didn't get the directions clearly. he was oddly familiar to you tbh. when he finally introduced himself that's when you realized he was the guy that works on that pizza place that goes to your school!! you asked him to stay for dinner but sadly, he can't becauss he has shifts and job stuff. so you asked his number and he gave you his. who knew both of you are prom king and queen after a few months of having feelings for each other!!


- you were walking along the streets of your hometown and you saw that there was a party that's a few blocks away. you decided to go in since nobody gives a freaking damn on who tf's gonna come in. except the police. the smell of alcohol immediately filled up your nose and the smoke of cogarettes made you cough. you were  gr8 at pick pocketting so you decided to pick a few things. it was really easy because lots of people were drunk. except the one guy that grabbed your arm said "oh you're not getting away from that" you apologized and you got a little bit scared because he was towering you. he joked and asked you to ditch the party with him because it was lame. the both of you walked and got to know each other. you asked if you could have his number but he said that he doesn't do texts or calls. so every night at 9 pm you would meet up in this alley and do small illegal things. and then you fell inlove. yay :DD

i squeezed my brain a lil bit to make sure that finn only played 3 characters akskabdbcjncn

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