1. Princess_lips1 is online

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A/N: So guess who's reuploading this because SOMEONE, was being a bitch.

I hope this won't get deleted too. Just be silent while reading... and I will poste the new chapters on my original account.

 and I will poste the new chapters on my original account

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"Heeii guys~ how are you all?" You said enthusiastic.

You blinked a few times with your light hazel eyes and pushed your dark brown hair backwards. Your skin got a red glow through the red lights that shone on you.

On hands and knees you crawled over the pink carpet to the enormous screen. "Do you see all of this~" You asked even more enthusiastic when you showed off your outfit on your knees.

When you showed your outfit the comments came in at ones with a lot of smileys.

"I got it from Alez_030! Isn't that amazing~?"

The outfit was from one of your favorite designers. But it was reaaaalllyyy expensive.

______Hotbabes34: You look amazing in those clothes princess!😛😍Iggysbooti: I wanna see that bootti🍑Iggysbooti send you 40!Lights_#%r23: I already got a boner, thanks princess🍆💦Alex_030: Thank you princess💕I hope you will enjoy it just as muc...

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Hotbabes34: You look amazing in those clothes princess!😛😍
Iggysbooti: I wanna see that bootti🍑
Iggysbooti send you 40!
Lights_#%r23: I already got a boner, thanks princess🍆💦
Alex_030: Thank you princess💕I hope you will enjoy it just as much as I do when I watch your shows😘

You smiled when you saw the compliments and saw your loyal viewers. "Ahwww thank you guys! You guys are too sweet~!"

The comments kept coming and you showed your outfit from all sides.

J.JK-Boy send you 10.000!

You were shocked by the sudden amount of money and gasped. Carefully you came closer to the screen. "Are you new J.JK-boy~?"

You suddenly put a smile on your face. "Thank you so much! Especially you Alex! As a gift I will give you all a kiss!" You pressed your lips on the camera and that gave a nice sound. Your plump lips were the viewers their favorite.

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