32. Broken face

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Your breath caught in your throat.

"W-What do you mean Duho is in pain?" You immediately asked.

"Come to hospital Seoul as soon as possible and ask where Duho is. I have to go now." Jungkook said very quickly and you heard that he was walking somewhere.


But Jungkook had already hung up.

"Fuck fuck fuck." You mumbled.

You can't leave. J.JK would never let you.

But... Duho... he needs you.

You quickly grabbed your bag but put your phone on the table.

Maybe J.JK will think you're still home.

But before you left your house, you grabbed your phone and typed something.

You: I'm sorry, I gotta help my little brother

Then you opened the door and ran outside.

The wind you met immediately pushed against your face and wiped your hair out of your face.

The sound of the car door that you slammed shut and how you started the car filled your ears.

But you couldn't hear anything, the only thing you wanted to hear is that there was nothing wrong with your brother.

What did Jacob do... if he even hurt Duho with one finger- you swear you'll hurt him that much his children would still feel it.

You drove through all the red traffic lights but you didn't care.

You drove to the parking place with an enor­mous speed. Then you quickly got out of your car and quickly locked it with shaking hands.

You almost tripped over your own feet when you ran across the parking lot.

"Damn it." You mumbled when the automatic sliding doors opened too slowly.

A woman in a doctor's coat passed by you and you grabbed her sleeve. "Do you know where my little brother is? His name is Duho and-"

"You can ask the lady at the counter." The blonde-colored hair woman said and looked down at you from head to toe.

You had forgotten to bring your coat and put on some makeup... so you looked terrible.

Even though you were wearing your fancy adidas sweatpants and Nike sneakers, your hair was a complete mess.

"Thank you." You quickly said and ran to the woman at the counter. "Do you know in which room Duho stays?"

The woman at the desk typed something into her computer and her eyes scrolled across the screen.

Stressed out you held the edge of the wooden counter, your nails pierced the material while you looked impatiently at the woman.

"Who are you from-"

"His sister." You cut her off and she immediately typed something into her computer again.

"Floor 3, room 21." The woman said, and before she could ask for anything else you already walked to the stairs.

"Wait... floor 3..." You said out loud and looked at the high stairs.

Then you saw the elevator next to you but shook your head.

"No, we're going to act healthy."


You got out of the elevator on the third floor and immediately ran through the corridors, looking at each room for the number.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now