7. Strange Package

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You froze in your place with your hand around the phone.

"W-What.. who are you?" You asked
startled when you actually already knew it.

You didn't get an answer, the only thing you heard was his heavy breathing and then you heard him chuckle.

"Tell me you're smarter than that,
princess." He whispered and you felt the shivers run over your body.

"JJK." You whispered when you knew it for sure.

"I love a girl who's smart." He chuckled again. "When are we going to meet?

"W-What?" You were even more shocked

and you looked at your mother, who
whispered something in your brother's ear.

When was the last time you heard her voice? You almost didn't know how she sounded.

Princess? Are you still there?"!He asked.

"How do you know I'm here?" You
whispered angrily and irritated.

Why does this man bother you? It's already bad enough that you have to video chat with some guys but to meet with someone was a no go.

"Well, you didn't hang-'"

"No," You cut him off, "I mean you knowing I live here." You said more irritated than before.

He chuckled, it was low and the shivers didn't stop running down your spine, you got goosebumps from his heavy voice.

"Don't be act like a fool baby, you don't live there. Your mom and little brother do, you live somewhere else."

He knew everything about you everything.. how?

"How do you know all that information from me? You really are a stalker." You snarled angrily in the phone while you looked at your mother and brother every time if everything went well.

But they didn't miss you anyway.

"Oh baby." He sighed. "I give you even more attention than anyone ever gave you, even your mother ignored you"

You felt how the tears filled your eyes.
"Shut up, you don't know anything about me." Your hands trembled with anger.

How did he dare to talk to you like that? And the worst thing was that he spoke the truth.

"I know everything about you, I know what you're thinking, what you're doing and where you're doing that."

Your chest went up and down from breathing. The anger that bubbled inside of you.

"Now be a good princess and walk to your mother's door."

Then he hung up and you put the phone on the sink.

Suddenly the doorbell rang and you were startled, a little jump in the air.

Omg... he did it again. Again he told you to go to the door just before the doorbell rang. He's hella scary.

"I'll take that." You said to your family.

"But you were on the phone, right?" Duho asked, amazed.

You swallowed. "Y-Yes, but now I walk to the front door."

You closed the door that went from the living room to the hallway so that if that man was there he would be out of sight of your family.

Carefully you opened the door and stuck out your head, afraid that something scary would happen, but you didn't see anyone.

Your gaze slid down and saw a package lying on the sidewalk

You knelt down and pushed against the package with one finger, maybe it would explode. But nothing happened. It felt light and you took it carefully, not bringing it inside.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now