29. Golden chain

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You didn't know why but you decided to take the bus this time to Jungkook's house.

You: Omw

Jungkook❤️: How long do I need to wait?

You: I think a half hour

Jungkook❤️: ...can't you ask the driver to drive faster?

You: No of course not!

Jungkook❤️: Would you ask him for 3 dollar?

You: No?

You: I ain't that poor

Jungkook❤️: Would you do it for a kiss😏

You: Like I said

You: I ain't that poor

Jungkook❤️: But your heart must desire something right?

You: It ain't kisses from Junggo

You: You want me to ask the driver to drive even slower?

Jungkook❤️: Text me when you're almost there

You: Just a little question

You: What do you want from me?

You: When I'm at your home

Jungkook❤️: Jacob isn't home

Jungkook❤️: It's a secret baby

You: *rolls eyes*

Jungkook❤️: Did you just rolled your eyes on me OnLiNe?

You: Yes
You: Now shut up and let me listen to my great music in peace

Jungkook❤️: Which song?

You: We don't talk anymore

Jungkook❤️: Rude

You: What??

You: Why??

You: Jungkook??

You: Fuck you

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