33. Duho's POV

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Duho's POV

The boy almost tripped on his own feet while he was walking as fast as he could. Maybe he was exaggerating but he wanted to be with his friend again.

In this short time they have grown very close together and it gave Duho a warm feeling in his stomach.

Duho muttered an excuse to a boy he bumped into and then walked to the school cafeteria.

The cafeteria was crowded by students who also wanted to go to their friends or just wanted to get something to eat.

The dark-haired little boy (aka Duho) opened his bag when he saw the familiar boy sitting at a table.

He hurried towards the boy and put a package in front of the boy.

The boy looked with a raised eyebrow at the smaller boy as he gently grabbed the package

"What's that?" The red dyed haired guy asked.

His name was Jinsun and he was the most talkative of the group.

Jacob smirked while he looked at his friend. "We're about to find out." His slender fingers removed the white bow from the package and pulled off the purple gift wrap.

Duho sat down on the bench next to Jacob and their thighs lightly touched.

The smaller boy blushed a bit and put his hands under his thighs while he looked impatiently at Jacob opening his package.

The other boys also looked curiously at the package.

Mike, the dark haired guy was taking a video of it with snapchat.

"Damn." Jacob sighed as he took his little present out of the package.

It was a black bracelet with just one littlepearl among the black ones.

It was a black bracelet with just one littlepearl among the black ones

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Jacob looked at Duho with a smirk. "And from which money did you buy that little guy?"

"From my new job." Duho said proudly. "You like it?"

"Of course." Jacob replied, immediately putting the bracelet on.

He then squeezed Duho's shoulder gently, but Duho shrieked a little bit.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you were the maknae of our group." Jacob chuckled as he rubbed Duho's shlouder.

Then Jacob looked at Mike. "So how is Youra?" He asked with a teasing smile.

Mike immediately got a blush on his cheeks. "Dude, why you gotta say her name?"

Jacob's hand moved from Duho's shoulder to his neck and massaged it a bit. Duho had put his hands on his thighs and squeezed his skin from the nervousness that run through his body

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