13. "Jungkook, please..."

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Warning: triggering chapter

You wanted to save your little brother, but you felt Jungkook's warm arm around your waist that stopped you.
The top was to short so his skin touched your belly.

"Just wait a little bit." He whispered in your ear and you were irritated by his arm that didn't let you go.

If you wanted to save your little brother from that torment that would happen, then you would do that.

He doesn't know you, he doesn't own you, so he has nothing to say about you.

"Let me go." You said furiously between your teeth.

You hated yourself for bringing your little brother to the party and this would be the first and last time.
Then you felt Jungkook's lips brushing against your ear.
"You don't want him to go to parties like this again, right? If he does this he would never want to go back, and that's exactly what you want, right?"
He asked with a smirk and he knew he was right while he continued to look at your shocked face.
You couldn't keep your eyes off your little brother who looked at you with fear.
His eyes shouted that you had to help him, but Jungkook was right.
you want to unlearn something, you learn that by acquainted with the bad sides from it.

So you shook your head when Duho begged you silently again to save him.
With pain you watched as his face broke, as if you had just betrayed him. But this is for his own good. This would stop his desire for this... even though he would probably hate you just like your mother.

But it can always be worse than what he had to do, this was nothing compared to all the other weird games they had at this party.

You swallowed all your anger and waited for it to happen.

Without you realizing it, Jungkook had strengthened his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. It didn't matter that you felt your back against his chest, the only thing you had focus on was Duho.

Duho saw Jungkook's eyes grinning at him as if he had already won.
Jungkook had put his head against yours and put his nose in your hair. He enjoyed your smell and the hatred that shot from Duho's eyes.

Why did you feel so paralyzed? Why did Duho suddenly looked at you with so much hatred?

"You're not a pussy, right Duho?" Jacob suddenly laughed and the audience laughed with him.

He slapped Duho's back in a friendly manner on his back, but he pushed him forward.

Duho's mouth suddenly touched Stacy's stomach and he was shocked by it too. She giggled and grabbed his head so that he would stay on her stomach but he struggled a lot.

Jacob winked at Stacy and she blushed again.

Then Jacob also leaned forward and
whispered something in Duho's ear that no one could hear but only your brother.
It was clearly a sort of threat because suddenly you saw that Duho moved his lips over her belly, to her belly button.

You almost had to throw up at the sight of your innocent brother who did that to a girl.

You wanted to turn around because you couldn't look at it anymore but Jungkook grabbed your jaw right with his big hand so that you had to keep looking. You held your hands on his arm that was still around your

"Let me go." You begged him and you felt so useless because it didn't matter what you did he won't let you go until the torment was over.

"You want to be sure that your brother is safe? What if he would taken away and you will never see him again? You need to be sure he's alright." Jungkook whispered in your ear and he kissed the spot under your ear but you didn't felt his lips on your soft skin.

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