6. Your mother

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You ran across the square of the school.

"Fuck fuck, I'm hella late." With your
handbag you ran on your sneakers to the entrance of the school.

Because your phone was broken you didn't know what time it was and you had to search your old watch, which was also 1 hour late.

There were no children or parents in front of the school

You looked around you, looking for him.

"Duho!" You shouted and turned when you heard your own name

Your little brother stood there in his ripped black skinny jeans that you bought him last week and his new nikes, You knew what it was like when you were still at school when you were wearing ugly clothes, nobody wanted to talk to you. And you didn't wanted to give Duho the same youth as you had.

The boy walked towards you, "Are we going home?" He asked

You stroked his head even though he was 15 years old, only you were allowed. Somehow you liked it when someone touched you but your brother didn't liked it at all

"First I want a hug." You said with a smile and opened your arms

Duho also got a smile on his face and rolled his eyes when he hugged you back.

You stroked his head again.

You missed the times that you were always near him. But you didn't wanted him to know about you who worked on LB.

"Now we can go." You let go and walked to your white car.

it was small, not too big but big enough for 5 people. A normal car.

"How was school?" You asked when you both were in the car and started to drive.

His eyes immediately lit up when he heard your question. "It was really amazing! Today we learned about free-writing!"

You laughed at how entausiastic your brother was.

He always loved school, which is also one of the reasons that you didn't wanted to take it away from him. He didn't had many friends but he found school too much fun to skip it and always did his homework well. Even his grades were always perfect.

"What did you write about?" You asked, curious as you watched the road.

He swallowed very hard and looked at his hands in his lap. "About... mom and her illness..." he whispered

Your hands squeezed the steering wheel and you almost drove off the road. You tried to put a smile on your face.
"Has anyone read it?" You asked anxiously, but tried to sound enthusiastic.

Only you didn't know how to respond to it.

Duho shook his head immediately. "No."

You took a breath in relief when you heard that. "Good. Can I read it?"

He shook his head again. "No, it's only for myself. I learned that from the teacher."

You nodded. "Okay." You were secretly disappointed. You wanted to know what was thinking about, whether he was more concerned about than just his mother.
Whether you could help him or talk about it.

Then Duho suddenly looked surprised out of the window. "Where are we going?" He asked in amazement and looked at you with big hazel-like brown eyes.
He had the same eyes as you, you looked a lot like each other.

"To your favorite shop." You answered and he screamed with pleasure

"Really !? But... mom doesn't want you to buy any more stuff for me." He said disappointed and leaned against the door of the car.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now