15. Slut

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He placed his hands next to your hip on the desk and stretched his neck as he looked at the ceiling. He took a deep breath and lowered his head so that he could look at you.

You looked at him with confused, big eyes.

"Please..." You begged him.

Jungkook looked at the wall behind you as he licked his lips. "If you sign the contract then you have to come to my house every week or the place that I choose."

Was that all? There had to be more. This couldn't be everything.

"And then? What happens then?" You asked for more clarity because he answered so vaguely.

You noticed how much he didn't wanted to tell you, but without knowing the truth, you knew 100% sure that you wouldn't sign it.

Then I'll take pictures of you." He answers with a angry gaze. Don't touch me when I didn't give you any permission to."

He clearly didn't expect that from you and his grip on your shoulders relaxed.

You took advantage of the moment and pushed with your hands on his chest with all your strength.

Jungkook took a step back and that was enough for you to open the door and run outside.

"Come back or you will regret this, Y/N!" You heard Jungkook scream and you turned around in the hallway.

"You think I care? You don't even know where I live!" You answered and stuck your tongue out. "Just go burn that contract because I will never ever sign it!"
When you said that, you ran away as his eyes meet yours.

"What-why? What are you gonna do with those photos? What kind of photo's?" You asked right away and he sighed with anger.

He pushed his body away from your desk and walked to the middle of his bedroom, his fingers rubbing his forehead while he closed his eyes."You ask too many questions. You give a headache."

You sneered and rolled your eyes.

But then you shrugged. "Okay, then I won't sign the contract."

You walked to the door but before you could grab the door handle you felt his hand around your arm and he turned you around. He pressing his hands on your shoulders, pushing you against the door.

You shrinked in fear, you blinked startled and looked at him with fear.

"You're-" He began but you interrupted him

"But I do know where your little brother lives." Jungkook whispered, but you hadn't heard it.

You ran down the stairs.

You had to get out of here. Jungkook must not follow you.

You looked around but still saw dancing and drunken people.

"Fuck fuck fuck." You mumbled in panic.

"Where is that fucking exit?" You asked out loud.

Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and when you turned around you hit the person in his face.

"I said-omg... pizza delivery boy!?"

You were startled when you saw the black-haired boy sitting on the stairs with his hand on the cheek where you had hit him.

You immediately knelt in front of him and grabbed his wrist to see if his cheek was very red. And that was the certainly the case.

"I'm so sorry, I thought you were-"

"Jungkook?" The boy cut you of and looked straight into your eyes.

You swallowed uncomfortably. "How do you-"

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now