3. Accept or decline?

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Alex_030 wants a video chat !

Accept or decline?

You rolled your eyes when you saw him on your screen.

He is very sweet but he always wants to know everything about you AND he is also reaaallyyy jalous. Like he owns you. You got more man giving you money, he is not the only one that claims you.

In the end you decided to talk to him anyway. He is one of your loyal viewers and always gives you lots of gifts and money.

You take your laptop and take it to your bed. Still in the pink room.

Nobody can see your real room. That is why you made one. You don't want anybody to know where you live. There were many creepy stories about man who stalked those kind of girls. And it didn't end up well.

Accept or decline?

"Heeii Alex~!" You said entausiastically and he smiled as an answer,

"Heeii Alex~!" You said entausiastically and he smiled as an answer,

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"Hey princess, are you okay?" He asked worried. You leaned against the wall that stood next to your bed. "Yeah, I'm okay" You mumbled and played nervously with your nails.

"He really went too far, and everyone just did the same! That was really outrageous!"

He really tried to help you, but you didn't wanted to talk about it.

"He's just new, he just has to get used to the fact that I'm not like those other girls. They already strip if someone gives them 1 dollar" You didn't look at Alex.

"I know," he chuckled. "You're a special girl, that's why you're my favorite."

Alex_030 send you 100!

You smiled, hearing the sound of the coins he gave you.

"Would you do it for 100?" He asked, hoping you would strip for him.

You chuckled and shook your head. "You know I don't go naked-"

You bit your lip, looking at the camera. Making him blush by your sexy move.

Alex_030 send you 200!

Not even for 200? Really princess!?" He sounded disappointed, but it wasn't the first time he asked it. "It was worthy a try."

He smirked again, "You know I really-"

J.JK-Boy wants to video chat!

Accept or decline?

"Princess? Are you listening?" He asked. When he saw your gaze froze.

"Hm? Yeah yeah, of course~!" You gave him your innocent smile and saw that J.JK-Boy his request didn't disappeared. He raised an eyebrow as a sign that he

didn't believe you. "Princess... what was I talking about?"

You saw that J.JK-Boy finally had pulled away his request and you sighed relieved

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now