37. 030 (*****)

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You turned your head back to him when the boy disappeared in the crowd.

"Was that Jimin?" Jungkook asked as his fingers still held your chin.

You nodded.

"Why did he look so upset?" His dark eyes looked at you questioningly and his dark eyebrows frowned.

You shrugged. "I don't know."

Jungkook saw that you didn't wanted to talk about it and then looked around. His eyes then saw the sign. "Do you know where we're going?"

You looked up and also looked at the sign.

Destination: Far away.

"Fuck." You mumbled while slightly panicking. "We're going too far away."

Jungkook chuckled. "So we're not going for an ice cream?"

You immediately looked at him. "Of course we're going for an ice cream, every city here in Korea has one."

Jungkook nodded while his eyes scanned your face. "Jacob messaged me about Duho's health."

You immediately we're all ears when you heard your brothers 'name.

"Duho still has a lot of pain. And because he can't watch TV or read a book to entertain himself because of his concussion, Jacob reads for him out of mangas. "

A little smile appeared on your face while hearing that.

Jacob was so different then the first time you with him. When you saw Jacob smirking, how he forced Duho to lick that girl... you never thought that that same boy would read out of mangas for your brother.

Maybe Duho changed him?

"I think we can go out here." Jungkook suggested as the doors opened and people started to get out.

You nodded. "Alright, let's find some ice cream."

You wanted to get out, but Jungkook pulled you back by your hand. "Let this woman go first." Jungkook said who looked at the older woman who trembled, walking out of the metro.

You were a little bit ashamed that you almost walked against that woman.

When the woman looked at you with a sweet nod, you decided that you could walk now.

But of course Jungkook didn't let your hand go.

You walked hand in hand through the city with him.

"I don't get you." You suddenly said.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow questioningly and looked at you while you just looked in front of you. "What are you not getting?"

"You." You looked around you, still looking for an ice cream shop.

"Is something wrong with me?" He still didn't understand what you meant.

Then you raised your hand that was interlocked with his. "Yes. You don't want me to catch feelings but you do want to hold hands?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes with a smile. "So you want to say that only couples are allowed to hold hands?"

"No that's not-"

"Then why are you complaining?" Jungkook asked while laughing and squeezing in your hand a little bit.

"I'm not complaining!" You said to him as he didn't stop laughing. "It's just! UGH! JUNGKOOK!" You exclaimed irritated because you couldn't express your feelings.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now