4. "What the fuck!?"

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"What the fuck?" You said out loud. How could he message you? You never let allowed that !

What an idiot.

Do you really wanna block J.Jk-boy?

Accept or decline ?

You rolled your eyes. "Of course block that man."

Did he really hacked your account so he could message you? How desesperate could he be ?

Accept or decline ?

You blocked J.JK-Boy!

You sighed relieved. The you watched the black TV.

Well, that means no TV.

Then you heard your phone again.

J.JK-Boy : It's not that easy, Princess.

J.JK-Boy: But before you message me back and ask yourself how the fuck I did that, open the door.

You raised your eyebrow questioningly.

"What the fuck is he talking-"

Then you heard the bell.

"Omg, that J.JK-Boy is hella creepy."

You stood up and walked slowly to the door. Carefully you looked out the window and saw someone standing in a red blouse.

Fortunately, you recognized the logo of the pizza company where you ordered your pizza.

Relieved, you opened the door with a big smile.

The boy scanned your oufit. Oh, you forgot that you still had the sexy outfit on from your show...

"Thank you so much-!" You yelled happily because you felt like teasing the blushing boy.

The boy laughed shyly at you and you were amazed by his beautiful plump lips. He ran hand through his black hair. "H-Here you have your pizza, thank you for ordering."

He handed you the pizza box and wanted to walk away.

Confused you pushed the pizza back. "I still have to pay, right?"

Then it was his turn to look at you

confused. "You already paid." The boy said and you shook your head

No... I didn't..." You slowly said.

The boy picked up the pizza box again and showed the receipt that had been attached to it. "You see."


Order : Pizza mozzarella with extra cheese.

Paid : 7.99


(A/N : the things i do for this story...)

"W-What?" You stuttered when you read it.

"I'm sure I didn't pay anything." You looked at the boy again, shrugging his shoulders.

"Think of it as a gift." He smiled and returned the pizza box to you. Then he waved cutely and walked to his red scooter.

You watched him drive out of the street.

Then you felt the cold wind against your skin and you remembered that you were only in a black bra and panties

"What the fuck." You mumbled and closed the door.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now