17. Searching...

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You wiped the outgoing make up away with your wet wads. The black spots of your mascara partly was there because you just came out of the shower and partly because you had been crying hard.

The fear still raged through your body. Every few minutes the shivers ran across your spine and spread all over your body. It was a feeling of anxiety.

All these men know where you live, know when you are at home and when you are not. They think they know you... but you don't even know anything about them!

J.JK had ruined everything for you! You hate him. Actually you wanted to delete your account and live a normal life, but then your mother would come without her medication and your brother without school.

But even living a quietly life and earning money in this kind of way wasn't there. Not since J.JK forced you to tell your address online where thousands of people were looking at.

You drew your hair and combed it until it was soft enough. You brought new make up and put on new clothes.

On your toes, gently, nervously you walked to the special room where you filmed all your live shows.

You turned on the big screen and
connected it with your new phone and ipad. You needed those things to answer any comments.

Before you started, you quickly ran back to the hallway and grabbed the red box. You took it to your special pink room and sat in front of the big screen.

You turned on your webcame and took a deep breath.

Let's hope J.JK couldn't make your life any worse then he already did.

JK couldn't make your life any worse then he already did

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"Hello beautiful viewers of my channel-"

You said enthusiastic and your eyes
followed the comments who came in with a fast speed

Charliedi: Going with the cute and sexy concept again I see😏😍
Big-Dick-Rick: Fuck me already princess😍🤤
Username123: How have you been little girl?
Iggysbootti: Oh yeah I forgot! She's still under 18😏😜
BebeforY: Did you got my present baby girl?😊
BebeforY send you 100!

You ignored the weird comments and got straight to BebeforYhis question. "Yes I did!" You grabbed the red package next to you.

"It's so sweet! You said with a big smile and you tried hard to think about embarrassing things to make yourself blushing because you knew they liked that.

Mind searching for embarrassing things....


Duho kissing that girl!

Your cheeks immediately started to blush but you even wanted to throw up. "I'm sorry guys," You apologised. "I think I had eaten something bad." A cute giggle escaped your plump lips.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now