19. "My muse"

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"No, I will not go with you Jungkook."
You said and you looked at the man. "We have to help him." You knelt down to feel the man's wrist to see if he was alive, but Jungkook grabbed your arm before you could even touch him.

"Don't fucking touch him." He commanded and you felt his warm breath on your face, his dark eyes pierced through yours.

"Then don't fucking touch me." You
growled and you saw how his gaze

He let go of you. "Sorry." He mumbled and looked at the ground. "My people will take care of him."

"Your people?" You asked surprised.
He eyed you before he turned around.

"Yes, my people." He lifted his long
muscular legs so he could step over the man and held out his hand for you.

You hesitated for a moment but then took his hand. Carefully you stepped over the big man

You felt sorry for him... his whole face was already swollen and blue because of Jungkook's hard hits,

Jungkook held your hand tightly and then pulled you out of the bathroom as he took, his black backpack off the ground. "You
can't feel sorry for that man." He said and you stopped him


He then turned around and held your upperarms firmly. "If I wasn't there, he would have raped you Y/N, try to understand what happened." His eye's begged you and his voice was more soft

"Your first time should be special"
You nodded but then looked at him in shock. "How do you know I'm a... you know."
He isn't... no... that can't be?

Suddenly a smirk appeard on his pretty face. "It isn't that hard to see sweetheart. Your face is almost screaming that you never had sex." He said laughing and you doubted him.

He scanned your face for a moment untilhe grabbed your hand again. "Did you think about the contract?"

"Jungkook, I told you-"
"I know... but maybe..." His eye's begged you again and you turned your gaze the other way.

But your curiousty again took over your mind. "If you want me to change my mind then tell me what's the contract about, in details please."

Jungkook bit his lip and thought for a moment before he answered. "It's better if I show you..." His dark eyes looked at you insecure. "Only if you trust me."
You sighed. "You know I don't trust you."
He nodded. "I know, but trust me on this one."
You wanted to shake your head.

"I saved you..." He whispered

Then you turned your head and saw Jimin sitting at a table with his phone in his hands,

You heard your phone

"Alright let's go before he sees us

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"Alright let's go before he sees us." He whispered in your ear.

You quickly walked to the entrance and you felt your cheeks glow.

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