12. Little game

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You: Fine

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J.JK: Good girl

You rolled your eyes on his reaction and put the phone back in your pocket. Then you opened the door.

The brunette had immediately lifted his head to you and scanned your body very quickly.

Yes you know, maybe the top was a little bit too small.

He chuckled. "Ready to party?" He asked and rubbed his neck shyly with his hand.

You shrugged. "Sure- oh no!" Suddenly you knew why you were here.

Duho! You completely forgot him.
Oh damn that boy with that cute bunny smile, he distracted you.

You wanted to walk past him, but he put his hand on the wall, blocking your way.

He looked at you again. "Where do you think you're going, sweetheart?" He asked smirking.

You weren't shocked AT ALL by his sudden dominant behavior *totally sarcastic.*

"I'm gonna search my little brother." You wanted to walk past him again but he grabbed your shoulders and pushed you roughly against the wall.

You blinked surprised by his move and looked at him irritated. "What the-"

"You brought your little brother to my party!?" he shouted and you were startled when he raised his voice so suddenly.

You clearly saw the fear in his face.

Was it such a big deal?

"Y-Yeah," you stuttered, but then you pushed him away from you. "Why do you even care!?"
You shouted back and you wanted to walk away again but he grabbed
your wrist when he pulled you back.

You fell against his body and looked up at his eyes that were shining from fire.

Did you just made him mad?

"Don't fucking talk to me with that
attitude, remember, you're in my house,"
he looked deep into your eyes. "And I do care, because I bet he's too young for these type of parties."

You didn't dare to pull yourself off him and you felt very small, the way he spoke to you.

Like he owned you...

"Why do you care, I don't even know you."

You whispered and looked the other way so that you wouldn't meet his dark eyes.

"I'm Jungkook, nice to meet you, what's your name?" He suddenly asked and his voice had changed completely.

When he had said that he let you go and you rubbed your wrist while you looked at him irritated.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now