35. His photos

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Even though you were scared to go back... you had to.

You couldn't look at Duho who got pain every damn second, especially when he tried to talk about something.

Because of his concussion, he couldn't move much because everything hurt. He said it felt like someone was pushing his head every time he moved, time and time again.

Jacob stayed next to Duho, he almost fell asleep. You saw how much pain he had but every time he saw Duho having even more pain his face turned sad.

You couldn't do much because every movement hurt him so much. But he told you about his new job, and that he was worried about him not coming this coming period because he should stay in the hospital.

He had given you the number of his work and wanted you to call it. The poor boy was too shy to call.

You would arrange that later.

The doctor told you he must stay in the hospital for at least one week. After that someone has to take care of him all the time and make sure he doesn't do stupid things that would make his concussion even worse. His nose should heal slowly but he has to come back for a checkup in a few weeks.

When you opened the door from your house you immediately wanted to walk over to your phone to see if J.JK was really angry with you, like you had expected.

Would you be punished again?

You didn't want to do everything he commanded you again you for a whole other month. And his commands consisted mainly of cleaning up your house and brining Duho home from school.

Not that it was really that bad but it felt like you had parents again. It was a nice feeling that you had missed but it was weird.

Carefully you walked to the table where your telephone was.

It was already dark outside and you were shocked when your phone lit up in the middle of the dark room.

You slowly leaned over your phone.

You slowly leaned over your phone

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On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now