22. S. Pyjamas

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You stared at Jungkook, startled.

Carefully you sat up and felt the painful and sensitive areas in your neck. "Are those hickeys...?" You asked surprised.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Don't change the fucking subject Y/N, I'm serious now." He said and looked at you.

His eyebrows met each other and a frown was clearly visible on his face.

Why does he look so angry?

"Why are you mad a-"

"Because you're lying to me Y/N! That's why I'm freaking pissed right now! He yelled to you and you crept to the edge of the couch in shock, farther away from the angry boy.

He was scaring you...

Jungkook closed his eyes and breathed deeply in and out. Then he opened his eyes again.

"Who is he? Do you even know him? You didn't met him at my party ri- I swear if it's one of Jacob's friends I will-"

"Please Jungkook, calm down." You said and held your hands in the air in front of your body.

You saw how much he did his best not to get angry but he didn't succeed.

His eyes were looking around in panic and you saw him pressing his nails into the fabric of your couch. His chest went up and down from the adrenaline that ran through his body.

He looked almost crazy.

"I don't... know him."

His eyes again looked straight at you. "Then why the fuck are you even talking to him?!" He shouted and he reached his hair.

You couldn't look at him how he tortured himself from the inside.

The thoughts that haunted his mind about who J.JK was. Where you knew him from and how he got your number.

"H-He... He's my stalker." You whispered and you closed your eyes, scared for his reaction.

He had lifted his head with a quick movement and looked straight into your eyes.

"I'm sorry Jungkook." You whispered.

Why did you even apologized? You didn't do anything! But you felt like he could explode every moment.

Jungkook breathed deeply through his nose. "The next time he will text you, you'll tell him you have a boyfriend." He said sternly and you nodded.

But then you thought again. "But- He knows everything about me. He knows I'm not in a relationship."

"How the fuck does he know that?! Did he just randomly texted you or-"

"He randomly texted me, I don't know anything about him." You answered right away.

You knew you were lying, but you didn't wanted Jungkook to know that you were working on LB. Not now that you started to get feelings for him... you don't want him to see you as a whore.

Suddenly you felt your shoulders shake, your body started to hurt and tears rolled down your cheeks. Your body hurt from fear, it wasn't real, you shouldn't believe it, but you couldn't hold your tears anymore.

Jungkook's gaze softened and he slowly crept towards you. "Omg Y/N. I'm so sorry for yelling at you... it's just... I'm a little bit-"

"Jealous?" You asked looking up at him as he embraced you.

He pulled you firmly against him. "I'm not jealous." He replied stubbornly.

Suddenly you laughed. "Yes you are." You whispered and looked at him in the eyes.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now