5. J.JK

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You rolled your eyes when you saw the small amount of money. "That is really small." You smirked to the webcame. "You have more money, JJK, I'm not cheap."

J.JK-Boy: JJK?

J.JK-Boy: Remove that pillow from your body and then we can talk.

This man...he thinks that because he has money, you do everything for him.

You held the pillow even more firmly
against your body and your face showed thunder. "No, you asked me to show myself, not my whole body. My face is enough." You pushed your jaws angry against each other.

J.JK-Boy: Someone is grumpy 😉

You felt how you only got more angry.

He saw you as a real whore, and you're definitely not.
"I'm not all about money, you idiot."

J.JK-Boy: Ahww baby

J.JK-Boy: I see how you pay more attention to people who give you more money.

"Everybody does that! I'm not a whore!"

You yelled to the webcame. Looking at it like you could see him

J.JK-Boy: I didn't said you are.

J.JK-Boy: But you're still doing things for money, naked

You were shocked when you read what he said.

"Stop saying bullshit! I never got naked for anybody!

Oh gosh, you hated this guy so much.
But you can't just click it away like you did with Alex_030. And you don't even know how this guy looks like. He's definitely super old and got money from his parents from a young age. What a awful and irritating man is this, You had never had such a idiot!

J.JK-Boy: So you ARE a virgin

"What!? That's not-"You yelled but then saw what he messaged you.

J.JK-Boy: Babe, don't deny it. It's almost written on your forehead.

J.JK-Boy: You just have that 'virgin aura' around you

You kinda panicked... a lot. If that was true, other people could have see that too!

There are only experienced people on LB!

Not even one virgin is on that site! Only you...

"Please don't tell anybody..." You begged the guy.

JJK-Boy: 😉

"Please! If anybody knows my secret- people won't watch my show anymore!"

You yelled desperately to your laptop.

You knew you had exposed yourself but he already knew the truth. It didn't made any sense to lie more about it. He already knew..

The man didn't answered anymore.

What if he was already telling everybody on the site that you were a fucking virgin ?!

"Hello? JJK? Are you still there?" You searched for a JJK sign but nothing could be seen.

"Are you there? Don't tell anybody, I'll beg you!" With hope you waited for an answer.

You knew what to do but hated yourself for that... "W-What do you want in return?"

Then something brightened up on your laptop

J.JK-Boy: I was gone for 50 sec to pee and you're already giving me something

J.JK-Boy: How desperate are you baby girl?


"I'm not!" You yelled angry to the webcam.

J.JK-Boy: Well, then you act like a desperate kitten

J.JK-Boy: I can give you what you want 😏

You squeezed the pillow even more than before. You hated that he belittled you so bad. "And what would that be?"

J.JK-boy : (A boner in his pants. Wattpad deleted it)

You almost suffocated on your own saliva when you saw the photo.

You had seen worse pictures but this was different. "I swear that, you found that picture on google." You laughed.

J.JK-Boy: You want me to pull it out?

"No!" You yelled immediately.

J.JK-Boy: That's what you want princess

J.JK-Boy: Every girl wants the 🍆

You shook your head. "Not every girl, don't want it."

You looked at the picture again. If that was really him, what he said he was, then he's hella handsome. Even though you only saw his lower parts... his head must be handsome too.

J.JK-Boy: One day you're gonna beg me so you can suck my dick 😘


You pushed your laptop down and decided to go to sleep.

That man gave you goosebumps and not the good ones.

You got up from the couch and walked to your room. You dived into your bed without undressing or brushing your teeth, you were just really tired.

Someone's POV

The man smirked when his screen became black

"Cute." His heavy voice spoke, he threw his phone on the table.

"I will make you beg princess, don't worry." He put on his dark sweater and took the package.

He walked into the cold night without looking back at his house.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now