24. Dear Y/N...

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It was a big package and Jacob looked at you with a broad smirk. "I guess someone has a secret admirer." He said and you got annoyed with his cocky smirk and his sneaky eyes.

Jungkook looked at the golden letters on the package and then at you.

The words of Jacob that haunted his mind.

You saw how he looked at you, panic and anger filled his eyes. He made fists of his hands furiously.

"Open it!" Jacob called and handed you the big package.

It was light... but too heavy for something simple.

You shook your head. "Let's go Duho, we're going."

But Jacob grabbed your arm before you could walk away with the package.

"Open it." He said, a little more commandingly, but still with a smirk on his face.

His eyes pierced through yours, as if he wanted to look inside. As if he already knew everything, all your secrets.

And he already knows your biggest secret.

But he doesn't want you to open it alone... as if he wants you to open it in front of everyone.

What if there was something bad in it? You don't want anyone to see it.

The golden letters were bad enough.

You could feel Duho getting closer to look at the box, but you put your hand on the golden letters while still looking at Jacob.

Jacob chuckled but suddenly you saw how someone pressed him against the inside of the door frame.

One hand around the boy's throat and the other on his hip.

But Jacob's facial expression didn't change for one second, as if he were used to it.

Jungkook didn't scare him anymore.

The dark haired boy furiously looked at his brother. "If you touch her again-"

"Then what? Are you gonna kill me? Brother." Jacob said challengingly him and licked his lips when he looked at you. "You really want to kill your own brother for a girl?"

Jungkook stretched his neck and let go of his brother. "You just need to learn that you can't touch a girl like that when she didn't asked for it."

But then Jacob pushed his brother away from himself. "Like you did something else all those years!" Then he looked at you with a smirk. "She doesn't know it, right?"

You were startled by his words.

What didn't you know?

Jungkook rolled his eyes and held out his hand to you. "Come on, you gotta leave." He said calmly but you couldn't move your body.

What did he do? What did he do all those years? You need to know.

"Should I tell her?" Jacob suddenly asked and you saw the rage in his eyes but his crazy smile didn't disappear from his face.

"Oh please Jacob, stop acting so childish." Jungkook said and he grabbed your arm to push you through the corridor.

"Then stop treating me like a child!" Jacob shouted furiously and held his arm between you and Duho who was just about to leave the room.

"Then stop acting like a child." Jungkook replied and pulled you down the stairs.

His grip didn't hurt but you just wanted answers so you stopped in the middle of the stairs.

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