11. Black outfit

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The loud sound of music pushed against your ears and the smell of sweat, alcohol and intense perfume crept into your nose.

It had been a long time since you had been at such parties.

You used to like it but you didn't had the right people around you to go to those kind of parties.

You stopped yourself from grabbing Duho's hand. Of course he wants to come across as an adult and if you looked at him now.
He came pretty close.

"Where are your friends?!" You asked loudly because of the loud music and you pulled Duho more to you.

He stood on his toes to hear you better because he was still a little too small and you repeated your question.

When he heard your question he shrugged his shoulders and looked around. "I don't know!" He yelled above the loud and thumping music. "I'll look for them!" He yelled and walked through the people,
looking for his friends, who were too old for him.
You're sure they're going to use him for something and you hope you discover that this night before it's too late.

Quickly you followed your brother who ran faster than normal. But people pushed you back and you pushed them back irritated.

Everyone danced so big that a few hands were slapped against your face.
You wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible.

Suddenly someone pushed hard against you and spilled his drinks on your clothes.

You immediately smelled the alcohol and angrily looked at the person."What the fuck!?" You shouted at the boy who stood before you.

His brown eyes looked shocked. He pushed his dark brown hair away from his face and you saw the shiny earring in his ear.

The boy was tall and wore a black blouse that was tugged in his black ripped skinny jeans.

He wore expensive shoes and jewelery. The amount of bracelets and rings gleamed in the colored light.
The boy also wore a black cap and his black mouth mask stuck around his ears and was pushed under his
chin so you could see his thick under lip.

He got some cute lips there.

You had to give in... he was pretty handsome.
But you were still angry and kept your angry face on.

The rude boy had two drinks in his hands.

"Oh I'm sorry!" He shouted and looked at the little drink he had spilled on your clothes.

He suddenly gave you a cute smile that almost made you faint and you blinked surprised. "Don't be afraid, it's just water!"

He yelled above the music.

Why was even his voice beautiful?!

You got a blush on your cheeks but you were still angry. "I smell the alcohol clearly!" You yelled, and he laughed.

"Those are the people around you who you smell little girl!"
He still laughed, but you didn't thought it was funny.

You hate those kind of nicknames. Every dirty old grandpa uses nicknames for you on LB. That's why you hate it so much.

You wanted to turn around and walk away, but suddenly you felt his body against yours.

Why is he so close!?

You wanted to push him away but you felt his arm on your back with his drink in his hand while he pulled you even closer.

It felt like you were the only one in the room with him and it looked like it was all in slow motion.

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now