34. Abusive

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*silently posting one day earlier because I don't care and I'm the author 🤭😬*

NOTE: Some people make 'story's inspired by my story'  I'm sorry but... that's kinda the same. You got your own imagination, please don't  copy my work or anything like that. I maybe made this book inspired by a movie but I only copied the concept (the cam girl concept) anything else I made myself. I worked hard for this story and seeing people copying it makes me feel kinda... angry and sad at the same time.

Even tho I feel honored you make those story's but, please don't

Warning: Maybe some tissues?





The moment you heard his question your heart stopped beating.

You were staring at him as if he had just asked you the most horrible question ever, and he did.

"Noona?" His voice echoed in your mind.

"W-What?" You stuttered and forced a smile on your face.

You looked at Jungkook who was standing next to Jacob who was sitting on a chair. The tall, dark-haired boy had his arms folded and looked intently at you with his dark eyes that spoke with so many words but also seemed so silent.

"Are you a girl from Live babes?" He asked again as if the first time wasn't enough.

His eyes begged you to say no, you could clearly see it.

"Where did you get that information from?"

Did he watched you? Did Jacob or Jungkook tell him about LB?

You immediately looked at Jacob who also looked at you. But something in his eyes spoke differently from how he normally looked at you.

All the other times he looked at you as if he were undressing you with his eyes but now you even saw him begging you not to tell the truth.

You again looked at Duho who apparently had a hard time answering your question.

He bit his lip and looked at his hands in his lap, laying on the white blanket. "Some people at my school know you... from that site." He whispered almost not hearable.

There was a lump in your throat that you couldn't swallow.

How should you answer this?

What were the consequences if you lied?:

People at school would keep saying the same and he will never know the truth until... he himself goes to investigate it.

And you definitely don't want that.

But what if you spoke the truth? Would he hate you? Would he never want to see you again?

Is that why he was beaten up? Because you're a girl from LB...?

That's horrible.

"Did they hurt you because of that?" You asked and slowly took his hand.

Duho bit his lip even more as he looked at Jacob sitting next to him.

You then noticed the two wore almost similar bracelets. Jacob wore a black one and Duho a white one.

Are those...?

On.line [J.JK x reader] REPUBLISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now