23. "They're just friends."

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You were awakened by the wonderful scent that penetrated its way through your nose.

Carefully you opened your eyes and your hands slid to your face. You rubbed your eyes so they didn't look that sleepy.

Then you sat up straight and you noticed that you weren't sitting on the floor like you were before.

Did you or somebody else replased you?

You turned around and saw Jungkook standing in the kitchen, shirtless.

He only wore his black jeans he wore yesterday and... do you see that right? An apron?

Is he wearing your mother's apron??

That means a pink apron...

Hell nah...!

You thought about yesterday and you immediately felt your cheeks blush.

Why were you making feelings for him so quickly? You know you haven't known him that long but his presence alone makes your heart beat faster.

Fortunately you had your normal pyjamas on and you were even covered with the blanket.

Fortunately you had your normal pyjamas on and you were even covered with the blanket

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"Jungkook?" You asked then and you saw how he immediately turned around.

His cheeks were all red as he smiled to you. "Hello Y/N, did you sleep well?" He asked and you saw how he put something in the pan.

Do you smell fried egg and... cheese? And... bacon? And... tomatoes?

You nodded. "Yes, thank you for asking." You said awkward. "How about you?"

Jungkook thought for a moment and then turned around again. "I slept well too, thanks for repeating my question." He chuckled slightly.

You rolled your eyes. "May I ask why are you cooking in my kitchen, shirtless?"

"I wanted to cook with a shirt first, but some oil splashed on my shirt and I didn't wanted my shirt to get dirty any more. So I was looking for an apron." He explained.

Then you saw his shirt hanging on your dining room chair, completely wet.

He must had tried to wash the stain out.

Did you really slept through all that noise?

Then Jungkook put the fried egg on a plate and you indeed saw the products that your nose had smelled. He also put it on another plate and walked with the two plates to the dining table with cutlery between his fingers.

You watched him take two glasses of milk and put them on the table too. Then he sat down and looked at you. "Are you still coming or what?"

You blinked in surprise and nodded. You got up quickly and sat down against him.

He hadn't taken off his apron but you could still see enough skin.

You ate with blushing cheeks and you saw he did too.

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