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Hello Cheezits!

My name is Alyx, and welcome to my disgusting story! Before we begin, there are a few disclaimers.


First off, if you have not read or seen Death Note, don't read this. And never watch the Netflix adaptation... seriously, it'll kill you mentally. Second, if you are uncomfortable with blood, gore, mention of suicide, etc, I do not suggest reading it. Third, I do not own Death Note or any of the characters from Death Note. However, I DO own Zero, Katana, Okami and maybe a few more characters I'll add in the future, so no stealing my characters.


Now with that out of the way, let me explain the story and 2 main characters.

This is the story of two of my OCs, Zero and Katana. Zero is a shinigami that is different from all the other ones. He is a god of suicide and his job is to make people kill themselves. He doesn't have a death note and in order to get one, he has to make at least 5 people commit suicide. He has already gotten 4 people to kill themselves, but he's had trouble finding a 5th person for years. He finds Katana, the youngest person he's been with and the only one that understands him. He is also the son of Ryuk and Rem because why not. Katana is a 6-year-old girl who was almost killed by her mother before L stepped in. She lived with L at Task Force Headquarters for a while before he caught her cutting her wrists. That's when he decided Katana would be better off being in Roger's care at Wammy's house. Near, Matt, and Mello were informed by L that she had been showing signs of depression. He told them to be her friends and caretakers and they all agreed, which brings us to where this takes place. This is basically how Zero and Katana treat each other and how Katana deals with PTSD and depression.


A few little fun facts about the story because I'm super bored!!!

1. This is a remake of the original story. Don't go looking for it though, I deleted it.

2. Katana's name has now been changed 4 times. First it was Nikko, then Imara, then Akane, and now Katana. Or, as her friends call her, Kat.

3. In the original story, Misa felt so bad when she heard what Katana's parents did that she actually convinced Light into letting them adopt her!

4. Katana means sword in Japanese. I chose this name because sword is close enough to knife I guess.


Shoutouts to @libra207and @orange_sehunnie for being great editors!

Have a great day, and don't forget to stay weird!

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