Chapter 4

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I couldn't help but think I was in a nightmare. The whole way here, I was pinching myself, praying that it was all just a dream. Yet here I am, and I know what I saw was real. The little girl I thought of as my own daughter would have been hanging from a tree had I not showed up.

"I'm sorry." I heard Katana mumble as we went inside.

"Please, don't apologize." I said, stroking her hair and trying to calm her down.

"But I made you put the Kira case aside and come all the way here just because I tried to do everyone a favor."

I sighed and turned around. "You see that branch? The one you were just on?"

She nodded and looked me in the eye. "If that branch ever breaks, it won't be you that breaks it. I want you to promise me that." I told her.

"I promise..." she said while clinging onto me for dear life. I took her inside, avoiding the children that surrounded the area.

Roger and I discussed the situation after I put her in her bedroom. He said it was best that I stayed for a while, and that he would make sure I could still work on the Kira case. I agreed and informed Katana of what I was doing, and all she did was nod in response. Of all the things that could happen, this was definitely the most scarring and unexpected.

Kat's POV

L told me he would be staying with me for at least a few weeks. I didn't really know what to say, so I just nodded. He left the room to tell Near, Matt, and Mello. This was my chance.

I grabbed the blade from under my pillow. "Just a few cuts..."  I thought. I couldn't help it though. Before I knew it, blood was pouring out of my arms as I laughed and sobbed uncontrollably. Even Zero didn't seem to understand what was happening. He knew I only did this when he named me off, and he hadn't even said a word.

"So L wants me to never break that branch, huh?" I muttered under my breath. "Good, I won't! I'll just be falling from the roof or drowning instead!"

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