Chapter 30

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Katana's POV

I was afraid that Mello would be too overprotective of me. He always had been, and it would be no add surprise if he went overboard with Okami.

We all went to a nice restaurant to catch up with each other before beginning the case. About a minute after we sat at our table, Okami held my hand. Of course, I allowed him to do so. Mello slammed his fist down on the table. "What did I say about touching her?!" he yelled angrily.

"Quiet down, we're in a restaurant for God's sake." Matt snapped.

Mello scoffed and continued looking at the menu. There was an awkward silence for a while before Okami decided to break it. "So, how's the case going?" he nervously asked.

"Pretty good so far, but it's been getting a little more complicated." Near replied. "That's why I asked Ena to come to London and help us."

Okami nodded and continued chatting with the boys. I had no idea how they all managed to keep my real name a secret so easily. I've been going by my alias for three years and I still find it hard to conceal my real name. They've only known about my alias for two days, and they haven't said my real name once.

Later on, Okami and I were taken to a hotel. We were led to a room that was much more beautiful than we had imagined. I stood in awe when the door opened. Matt nudged me on the shoulder. "You two can share the master bedroom.~" he whispered.

Okami's face went as red as a tomato. I slapped Matt's arm. "Shut up, we're only ten." I said, blushing a bit myself.

Matt chuckled. "No seriously. There are only two bedrooms. Mello has the other one and I have the couch. You two are left with that one." he explained. "Besides, it's about time you started thinking about doing it."

I blushed even more when he said that. Okami put a hand on my shoulder. "Okay okay, cut it out. She clearly isn't comfortable with that topic." he said. I sighed in relief and smiled at Okami as a way to thank him. With that, we entered the room.

Time passed more quickly than we thought. I worked on the case with Near for a bit and got the chance to meet some of the other people he worked with. Well, at least I heard their voices during a phone call. Matt kept making lewd suggestions, making me feel more uncomfortable than ever. Of course, Okami was willing to stand up for me, which I was extremely grateful for.

Before we knew it, it was already two in the morning. I could barely keep my eyes open. Okami noticed this and unexpectedly picked me up. He carried me into the bedroom and sat me down on the bed.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. "I still have to catch up on the case."

He sighed and looked at me. "You should really get some sleep. It'll be easier to read all those files after you've been well rested."

I was too tired to argue with him. If he cared about my well being, then this was probably for the best. I kissed Okami and felt myself drifting off to sleep.

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