Chapter 22

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Okami's POV

I knocked on the door, eager to meet the young girl. The so-called "Task Force" had told me that she woke up and I would finally be able to talk to her. Just the thought of actually meeting her filled me with excitement.

An old man dressed in fancy clothes opened the door for me. I stepped in and locked eyes with her. I couldn't believe it. The very girl who saved my life was staring straight into my eyes.

Matsuda, the man who escorted me into the building, cleared his throat. "Ena, this is Okami Ishikawa, the boy from the fire." he said.

I waved at her and smiled. She weakly smiled back at me, making me blush a bit. I sat down beside her bed on the verge of tears. "Are you alright?" I asked her. "After seeing what happened to you, I felt obligated to come see you."

She nodded at me. "I'm okay, just a small headache."

A man crouched in a chair looked at the girl. "You haven't happened to have heard him, have you?" he asked.

She shook her head in confusion. The truth is, I've gone to see her every day for as long as possible. I felt honored to have the chance to spend time with my savior. I was about to explain this to her when the man spoke again.

"In that case, you two haven't properly met. Okami, this is Ena Yagami. We haven't told you her name until now for certain reasons, so please don't question that."

I nodded and another man kneeled down to my level. "Pardon me, but I assume you are Mr. Yagami. Is this true?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "You got me there. How could you tell?"

"You look almost identical to Ena." I said in response. "Oh, I apologize... miss Yagami." I corrected.

Ena let out a small laugh. "It's okay, you can call me by my first name." she said.

I blushed a bit. Wouldn't it be disrespectful to call her only by her first name? I just met her, but it's only fair that I listen to her. It's the least I can do to repay her. If it weren't for Ena, I would have lost my life.

Our conversation continued and before i knew it, visiting hours ended. Ena and I had gotten to know each other pretty well. It turns out we'll be going to the same school next week. I hugged her goodbye and left the room. I trusted her, but I had a feeling she was hiding something...

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