Chapter 33

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"It must be a human."

"Is it dead?"

"Looks like a child."

"How did it get here?"

I heard their voices around me. They didn't sound familiar at all. My vision was blurred. All I knew was that I was in a dark room surrounded by strangers. I sat up as my vision cleared to reveal what they were.

The other shinigami. I was shocked for a minute, but something about it felt comforting. Zero had already proven that shinigami were much better than humans. There was no reason to act surprised, I was comfortable with death gods already.

"Where's Zero?" I asked them. They were all a bit stunned that I wasn't afraid, just as Zero was when we first met. One of the shinigami stepped forward. "Zero isn't here." she said. "He's in the human world, attached to someone with his death note."

I was slightly confused. It took a minute or two, but I finally figured it out. He had a death note. "So I really am dead..." I mumbled. The shinigami nodded. "How long have I been here?" I asked.

"Well, that's tough to answer. Time here is very different from time in the human world." the shinigami told me.

"I don't believe I've introduced myself yet." the shinigami said. "My name is Sabeij."

"How did I die?" I asked Sabeij. "Okami killed me, didn't he? Oh god, I knew he hated me..." I continued to rant on about my thoughts on how I died. I could hardly remember what it was like not long before my death.

Sabeij explained everything. As it all came back to me, I could almost feel my heart sinking. I broke down into tears and hugged her. "I just want to go home..." I choked out between uncontrolled sobs. "I miss them. I miss Near, and Matt, and Mello... I miss Light, I miss Zero..."

"Here, take it." Sabeij offered. I looked up, only to see her holding out her death note. "I-I can't take it." I told her. "You'll die, Zero told me about this-"

"Trust me." she said. "If you want to return to the human world, you need to misspell a name four times. I don't care whether or not I live if it means my daughter gets her life back."

I stood there, speechless. My mother became a shinigami after her execution. My real mother. The one who wanted me dead. I quickly took the death note from her. "I've been waiting to do this for six years." I told her. "I can't believe I trusted you..."

Ocami Ishikaoua

Okamee Ichikawa

Ohkami Ikishawa

Okamie Eeshikawa

I misspelled Okami Ishikawa four times. The very second I dropped the death note, I felt myself fading away.

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