Chapter 25

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Weeks passed. Every day was the same thing. The other kids would tease me without any sign of stopping. Every day, I'd cut myself as soon as I could. Okami was the only one who ever stood up for me. I hated everything about this school, except him of course. However, I couldn't let my feelings get in the way, I had to focus on my goal. Tonight was the night. I was going to make sure Zero succeeded if it was the last thing I do. 

I wrote a note to Okami and snuck out. After taping it to his bedroom window, I went onto the roof of Task Force Headquarters. The rain was pouring hard, reminding me of the night of the fire. The thought of it couldn't get in the way of the plan, so I kept going with it.

I took my scalpel out of my pocket and began slitting my wrists. Zero wasn't naming me off; he knew I would prefer it if he did before I died.

A few minutes later, I stared down at the busy street below me, trembling at how tall the building was.

Zero placed a hand on my shoulder. "It'll be okay." he said. "At least I got three years with ya."

I smiled and took a step toward the roof. Zero began naming me off with every step I took.







I closed my eyes, ready for the impact that I would soon feel. Just as I was about to fall, I felt an hand wrap around my wrist.

"Ena, don't do this..."

I turned around only to see Okami in tears staring directly into my eyes. "Do you have any idea how scared I've been that this would happen?! I've seen those cuts, I know what you're going through! Don't try to turn me away, Ena, I want to help you!" he yelled.

I stood there, speechless. I had never seen Okami have such a sudden outburst. Sure, he was always a bit short-tempered, but that was nothing compared to this! The look on his face when he had calmed down told me that he truly felt guilty. He pulled me into a tight hug and cried into my shoulder. I hugged him back and ignored the fact that the Task Force had already heard Okami and were on the rooftop with us. Apparently, Okami didn't see the Task Force; that or he didn't care that they were there. Why?

He kissed me.

Right in front of everyone.

I had never been so shocked. Of all the things he could have done, why this? I'm not saying I didn't appreciate it, but... we were only seven! I thought for sure the Task Force would hate him and tell me I couldn't speak to another boy again. But instead...

They started clapping. Matsuda was even in tears. As Okami and I pulled away, we took a moment to look at everyone around us. Even L was smiling. I looked at Misa, or I should say, Mom, and laughed. "Guess you were right." I mouthed to her.

Okami gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "I love you." he whispered.

"I love you too."

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