Chapter 23

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Katana's POV

I honestly felt a bit sad watching Okami leave. He was so nice and seemed beyond grateful for what I did. I was so happy that I had actually made a friend ever since I left Wammy's House.

I left the hospital and returned to Task Force Headquarters the next day. I ran straight to my room and video called Near, Matt, and Mello. Everything about Okami was explained from his personality to his appearance. They told me that friends like that were rare and I was lucky to find someone like him. I smiled at the thought of it, unable to contain my gratitude.

As I hung up, Misa opened my door. "Sweetheart, there's a special someone here to see you!" she chirped. I was a bit confused, but the Okami stepped into the room with a giant grin on his face.

"Okami!" I cheered. He ran up and hugged me like he hadn't seen me in ages.

"I'm so glad to see you." I told him. "Can you stay for dinner?"

"I can if your parents say it's okay." he responded. We both looked at Misa. She looked at our eager smiles pondering her decision.

"Please?" I begged her. She laughed and smiled at us. "Alright, he can stay as long as you two behave." she said.  Okami and I hugged each other and thanked Misa. She giggled and left us alone in the room.

I showed him some of my art and took him on a tour of the whole building. I walked downstairs with Okami and pointed to the giant screen that L was sitting in front of. "That's where Ryuzaki and the Task Force do most of their work!" I told him.

Matsuda looked at me and smiled. "Showing him around, Ena?" he asked. I nodded in response. "Just be careful." L added.

After we ate dinner, Okami and I said goodbye and he went home. Almost as soon as the door was shut, Misa said she wanted to talk to me in private. I anxiously walked into her room and sat down next to her on the bed.

"So, I wanna talk to you about something." she said. "This may not be true, but I have a feeling it is."

"Okay..." I responded and gestured for her to go on. She took a deep breath and looked me dead in the eye.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you and Okami like each other."

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