Chapter 28

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Near and I began working on the case. I started working with him in Japan and I had been asked to travel to London to work with him in person. Okami was invited to come with me if he wanted to, and naturally, he said yes. We were about to board the plane and I was getting a bit nervous. It was one of my darkest secrets, but flying was one of my worst fears.

Okami touched my arm and looked at me. "It'll be okay." he assured me. I nodded, feeling less panicked knowing that he was with me.

We got on the plane about a minute later. I was still scared a bit, but I managed to keep calm on the flight. Well, at least I looked like I was calm. Mentally, I was freaking out. I sighed in relief as Okami and I left the plane hand in hand.

I searched the whole airport before finally finding Matt, who was supposed to pick us up. Thank goodness everyone in the investigation knew I was suppised to go by my alias. I would have been screwed if they hadn't. He didn't know Okami was coming. In fact, he had no idea who Okami even was.

"Who's this, Ena?" Matt asked. "He hasn't been following you or acting creepy, has he?"

I laughed at his response. "No, this is Okami, my boyfriend." I told him.

"Boyfriend?!" he shouted. "You're almost eleven, you're way too young to have a boyfriend!"

"So what?" I snapped at him. "At least he understands that I have feelings, unlike everyone else."

Matt sighed and looked at Okami. "Just keep her safe, kid. She's like a sister to us three."

"Three?" Okami asked, clearly confused. I smiled at him. "You'll see what he means later."

Matt drove us to Wammy's House. We were all supposed to meet there and go out for lunch before Okami and I were taken to Near's workplace. The ride was awkward and silent. I was exhausted, so I leaned on Okami's shoulder and fell asleep.

Okami's POV

Once I saw that Ena was asleep, I wrapped my arms around her, making myself a human pillow. Matt looked at me and sighed. "She's growing up, ain't she..." he mumbled. I had no idea how to respond, so I nodded and kissed Ena's forehead.

"You two seem happy together." he said. I looked up at him. "Yeah, we are." I responded. "We're practically inseparable in most cases."

Matt and I had a long conversation, mostly about our relationships with Ena. I loved hearing about their childhood together. It actually made me a bit sad how they were separated when she was so young.

We finally pulled into Wammy's House, the orphanage Ena talks about all the time. I woke her up and told her we were there. She thanked me and got out of the car. A blonde haired boy ran up and hugged Ena, rambling on and on about how much he missed her. Clearly this wasn't Near, I had heard his voice before.

This meant Near was the one with white hair. He calmly walked up to her and hugged her much less tight than the other boy.

Speaking of the other boy, he was giving me the death glare, and I didn't understand why he was. Only a moment later, I figured out why...

I finally found the overprotective one...

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