Chapter 2

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"You good Kat?"

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Matt. "Yeah, I was just... thinking..." I said, staring down at my feet. He just shrugged it off and continued to eat. Mello did the same, but Near seemed a bit suspicious.

"If you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you thinking about?" he asked. I looked up at him although I could hardly see through my bangs. "It's nothing important, don't worry about it." I said, slightly smiling.

He nodded and twirled his hair around his finger. I fiddled with the choker around my neck. Behind it was a scar from the night Mom was arrested. I found it funny sometimes, how I never knew what really happened to Dad. Whenever I asked, I would always get a different answer. First, it was a car crash. Next, it was a disease. The excuses were getting more and more strange the longer they were made. Mom ended up telling me Kira killed him. I thought she was insane. Kira only kills criminals; my dad never did anything bad! I lost it and started yelling at her. I told her that she probably killed him and was just trying to get me to trust her. I have never regretted anything more. She beat me, cut me, and even molested me for almost 2 years before L helped me. 

I looked down at my arms and just happened to notice blood soaking through my sleeves. "Oh no, it'll be the end of the world if someone notices." Zero said in a sarcastic tone. I would have been annoyed when he mocked me, but it wasn't nearly as bad as when the other kids did. I sighed and got up from the table. "I'll be back in a minute.." I mumbled.

Zero followed me down a long hallway as I kept my head down. I ran into someone while I wasn't looking. Linda. God, I hate her. Of all the people that I have to deal with, she's by far the worst.

"Watch where you're going, loser." she said once she turned around.

"I-I'm sorry, I w-w-wasn't l-looking..."

Linda grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me real close to her face. "Yeah, kid, you're gonna be sorry once we're finished with you..."


About four more girls approached me from behind and grabbed me. Two girls rolled up my sleeves and I began to panic. "Oh god, she cuts herself too?" Linda laughed to herself. "Don't worry, she only does it for attention. Besides, it'll make it more painful for the little brat!"

(Time Skip Brought To You By My Writer's Block -_-)

Pain rushed through my entire body as I laid on the ground. I tried to get up, but I only fell back down. I saw three familiar faces kneeling down beside me. "Jesus Christ, what the hell happened?!" I heard Matt shout.

"Kat, how often does this happen..." Near asked in his usual monotone voice. I managed to choke out my answer. "A-Almost... every... d-d-day..."

"HOLY SHIT, LOOK AT HER ARMS!" some kid yelled from across the hallway. The next thing I knew I was surrounded by people staring at all my cuts and scars. Everyone whispered things like, "This kid's insane." and "She's a psychopath."

The more they whispered, the louder it got. Soon enough, people were shouting about it, and some went to tell Roger. I was holding back a million tears as Near, Matt, and Mello tried to comfort me. What was the most surprising was the look Zero had on his face. He actually looked concerned and a bit sad. "It'll be okay, I promise..." Mello said as he put his hand on my shoulder. That's when I completely lost it. I smacked Mello's hand off of me and ran toward my room, bursting into a series of uncontrolled sobs.

I locked the door behind me and slid to the bottom, pulling my knees up to my chest. Zero phased through the door and hugged me from behind. "Gosh, I've never seen anything like that..." he muttered. "I feel like a success and a failure at the same time..."

I sniffled and lifted my head a bit. "Don't worry..." I said as my voice cracked. "You'll be a success by sunrise..."

He looked at me with widened eyes. "You mean you're finally gonna do it? You're going to kill yourself?"

I nodded and went to my desk. I took out a piece of paper and wrote a note.

"Near, Matt, and Mello,

I'm sorry you found out. I really didn't want to do this, but everyone here leaves me no choice. Please tell L that I wish I had lived long enough to see him again. -Katana"

As hours passed, it was finally midnight. I quietly went into Near's room and put the note on his bed. After that, I went back to my room and grabbed a rope from under my pillow. Finally, I was going to escape this living hell...

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