Chapter 1

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A shiver went up my spine as I felt the blade being dragged across my arm. I watched a new cut form every time Zero insulted me. It was nice to have Zero by my side to name me off whenever I needed a little pain.

It's been nothing but torture living at Wammy's House. There's not a day that I'm not judged or confronted by the other kids here. They call me stupid. They tell me I'm a loser and a crybaby. Some have even told me to go kill myself. I don't mind though. At least I'm not stuck in that alleyway with Mom...

"Kat! Dinner!" Mello called.

I sighed and set the blade down. Food was the last thing on my mind, considering the fact that I hadn't eaten in almost a week. I took a water bottle and cleaned the blood off my arm before drying it off. "C'mon Zero." I muttered.

I sat in my usual spot with Near, Matt, and Mello. Nobody else seemed to understand or care about me. Mom was right; I'm just a waste of everyone's time. Before I knew it, my head was flooded with memories of that one night.


"You little piece of shit!" my mother yelled. I felt a horrible sting in my arm and looked down only to see a broken glass bottle and my bloody arm. I got up and tried to run, but she just grabbed my wrist and threw me onto the hard concrete. I was used to my mom hurting me, but she'd never do it out in the middle of an alleyway...

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, I felt a cold shard of glass sliding against my throat. Blood began dripping from my neck as if a vampire had bitten me. I could hardly tell what was going on until I heard a man yelling. I didn't know what he said, but my mother turned around and ran away, dropping the glass shard. I saw at least three men chasing after her while two other men approached me. The last thing I remember was one of them yelling, "Get her, Matsuda!"

Then the whole world started spinning...

...and spinning...

...and spinning...

...then darkness.

~Flashback End~

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