Chapter 39

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"Katana, will you please calm down..."

"I can't! This is my wedding day, I can't possibly stay calm at a time like this!"

Ryuk was trying to calm me down before the wedding started. He was chosen as the one to walk me down the aisle, since I hadn't seen Zero in ten years. Okami and I were engaged for one year, and our wedding day was finally here.

I heard the music begin to play. Ryuk took me by the arm and smiled. "Shall we?"

I missed as I slowly walked down the aisle with him. I could almost feel everyone's eyes on me. It was uncomfortable, but I had to forget it. I looked up at Okami, who was already in tears. As I stood next to him, he looked me dead in the eye. "You look amazing." he whispered. "Same to you." I whispered back with a smile.

I was honestly spaced out for the majority of the speech. Okami and I had no vows, so neither of us worried about that. I snapped into reality when Okami slipped a ring onto my finger. I did the same to him and grinned, knowing this was it.

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Okami pulled me into a tight hug and gave me a long, deep, passionate kiss. I began crying and smiling uncontrollably. Just then, I heard a familiar voice behind Okami.

"Since when did you have to grow up on me, kiddo?"

I glanced to the side only to see Zero standing on the altar. I gasped and looked at Okami in shock."What do you think? I made him my best man after I got his death note and asked if I could marry you." he told me.

"You got his death note?!" I shouted. "It makes so much sense now, thank you!"

I kissed Okami one more time before we left for out reception. The place was beautiful. It had purple lights shining everywhere, and it looked so refined.

A few hours into the reception, Okami and I had our first dance together as husband and wife. Zero took me into his arms afterwards, confusing me a bit. "What?" he asked. "Isn't this the part where the father dances with the bride?"

"Zero, my father was killed when I was two. Ryuk is standing in as him."

"Why would you get a stand-in when your real father is here, right in front of you?"

It was almost as if time stopped right then and there. After all these years, I finally figured it out. Zero was my real father.

This night truly was perfect.

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