Chapter 36

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(So this is a pretty big time skip I have no idea what to put here so... enjoy the story while it lasts, it's almost over)

Misa's POV

I had no idea how to feel anymore. Katana really felt like a daughter to me, but she betrayed Light and I. Now she's in London, trying to put an end to Kira.

"Misa, the kid never mattered in the first place." Light scolded. "Besides, we knew it was only a matter of time before she left."

"But I was so attached to her and she just left us!" I said.

Light sighed. "Just keep writing names down..."

As I continued to write in the death note, I remembered something. Light was going to London with the rest of the Task Force. Maybe he could bring Katana back to work here! Even if she's been in a coma for years, she'll still be considered our little girl.

~Meanwhile in London~

Katana's POV

I was still trying to get over Matt and Mello's deaths. It was honestly expected after they quit the case, but it still hurt. Not to mention, Bear suspected that Light was Kira, which I refused to believe. It made sense, but of all people, I didn't want it to be him.

Near took me to an old warehouse, saying that we would meet the Task Force there in two days. It took me a while, but I finally recognized the place. I used to get all of my weapons from that warehouse. All of my knives, scalpels, guns, etc. They were all I had left when I went back to Japan.

As long as they didn't find out, I was happy I was going to see Light and the Task Force again.

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