Chapter 18

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A few days later, L had requested to talk to me. I went downstairs and sat next to him. He explained everything I would have to do from now on.

1: Act as if Light and Misa were my parents.

2: Go by the name Ena Yagami, an alias that Light and Misa selected for me.

3: My bangs would have to be cut to make me appear more "normal".

4: I would have to look more like Light and Misa to avoid suspicion. Because of this, my hair needed to be dyed, I might have to wear special contacts, etc.

I agreed to all of this and went to get my hair cut and dyed about an hour later. I almost didn't recognize myself. My hair was cut to match Misa's, but it was a bit longer. And no way in hell would I ever wear pigtails. My hair color was almost identical to Light's. We stopped and bought some contacts that made my eyes look naturally brown.

We returned to Task Force Headquarters a few hours later. I went straight to my room. It had been a long day and all I wanted to do was talk to Zero.

I opened the door and his jaw dropped in shock. "Damn, I thought you were just exaggerating, but you actually did it." Zero jokingly said. I talked to him for a while before L walked in.

"Hi Dad- I mean, L..." I mumbled. At this point, I had gotten so used to calling L "Dad" that I called him nothing else. Not even Ryuzaki.

"Katana, Light would like to take you and Misa out to dinner tonight. He believes it would be a good start to acting like the three of you are a family." L said.

I was honestly kind of surprised. Who would have expected this to start so soon?

"O-Okay..." I stuttered. L left the room and I changed into some nice clothes. I put on a simple black skirt and a white blouse. As I stared in the mirror, I still couldn't believe it. Only yesterday, I looked like a mess. My hair covered my eyes and I wore a baggy, oversized sweatshirt. Now, I look like I could get into Ouran Academy! (Who else gets my references, huh?)

I sighed and went downstairs to meet my new "parents". I already hate this so much...

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