Chapter 34

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As my eyes opened, I examined my surroundings. It was clear I was in a hospital, based off of the bright lights and the loud beeping of the heart monitor. Suddenly, I was pulled into a tight hug. "I'm sorry!" someone yelled. "It's all my fault, you almost died!"

Shocked, I attempted to push the stranger away from me. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"What do you mean?" he asked me. He suddenly grabbed me by my shoulders and pulled me close to his face, on the verge of tears. "Don't tell me you've forgotten! Please, remember the fire, remember that kid you saved!"

"Yes, I remember the fire, and I remember him, but... how do you..."

The stranger hugged me again. "It's me, Okami... I'm sorry I ever got mad at you, I had no idea it was for the case..."

That's when it all came back to me. The way he reacted to knowing my real name. How I ended up killing myself because of the one I loved.

"It's okay, Okami... it's my fault for overreacting."

As hours passed, we talked and caught up with everything. Near, Matt, and Mello showed up eventually and helped catch me up with the Kira case. A while later, I realized something. "Um, how long have I been here?" I asked.

Near sighed. "It's been almost five years." he said. "That would make you fifteen."

It took me a moment to take it all in. Mom really was right about time being different in the human world. Kira still hadn't been caught after five years. That day, I made a promise to myself.

Despite my past, I was going to bring Kira to justice.

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