Chapter 19

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I stumbled down the stairs, wishing I didn't have to go with this plan. Of all people, L chose two of the people I hate the most. Why couldn't Matsuda pose as my father? He's a million times nicer than Light and doesn't compare me to everyone else.

Misa looked at me and squealed. "Oh my god, you look adorable!!!" she yelled. I tried hard not to roll my eyes, remembering that they weren't hidden by my bangs anymore.

Light walked over and picked me up. My eyes widened in shock. "Wh-What are you doing?" I mumbled.

"I can't help it, my little girl just looks so beautiful!" he said in response. It disgusted me how seriously he was taking this. All he had to do was pose, but this was so realistic I hated it. But I had no choice but to go along with it so I thanked him and smiled.

Watari gestured toward the door and walked us out to his limo. I had already been in it before, yet its beauty still shocked me.

He dropped us off at a restaurant and told Light to call him when we were ready to be picked up. We walked inside and got a table. I was in awe of how beautiful the whole place was. Misa giggled. "Someone seems to love it here!" she chirped. I snapped into reality. "Y-Yeah, it's so... pretty..." I responded.

I realized a few minutes later that Ryuk and Rem were standing beside Light and Misa. Zero was behind me talking to them. I smiled at Ryuk. "Hi grandpa." I whispered to him. He smiled and waved along with Rem. Zero chuckled and pat my head.

The night went on as we acted like a family. After dinner, we went out for ice cream and decided to stop at a playground before it got dark. Later on, it began to downpour. Rain drenched us as we frantically tried to find shade. Light called Watari and asked him to pick us up. I heard thunder in the distance and clung to Misa's leg as tight as I could. Storms were one of my worst fears.

All of a sudden, lightning struck some of the playground equipment, engulfing it in flames. I began to cry as I watched the fire spread. Soon enough, it reached us. Light grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away, but something stopped me from running. I saw a boy about my age trapped between two bars that had fallen. I pulled away from Light's grasp and ran into the fire.

I grabbed the bars and pulled them off the boy, ignoring my "parents" yelling my name and demanding that I return to them. I helped him up and told him to run. He did so, and made it out safely. I tried to do the same, but my leg was burned and I couldn't even stand.

I tried to crawl out as I coughed uncontrollably from all the smoke. The sirens in the distance flooded my head, reminding me of the sirens the last night I saw my mother. My PTSD started controlling me while I tried to call for help. Before I knew it, I was lying on the ground unconscious.

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